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Rheumatoid Arthritis : Health & Medical

Carpal Tunnel Release

This article is intended for people who are really interested on carpal tunnel syndrome, no advanced knowledge required to understand this topic about carpal tunnel release so why not give it a try? Do you experience strange tingling sensations in your palms, thumbs, or middle fingers? Do you notice

Gout Sucks

Gout is a real pain. I don't mean that as a joke, it really does hurt like hell. The symptoms of gout are that you get a swelling and redness also a burning around a major joint, knees, elbows, but more often than not, in the knuckle on your foot around your big toe.

Important Symptoms and Treatment of Polimialgia Reumatica

Both the inflammatory rheumatic diseases polimialgia reumatica and giant cell arteritis (GCA) are often overlapping conditions with undiscovered causative factors. There are some clinical indicators that are common to both conditions and they typically occur in adults over the age of fifty years. As

Rheumatic Manifestations of Endocrine Diseases

Musculoskeletal complaints associated with endocrine disorders are common and have been well described. This review re-examines these associations in light of newer information on biology and genetics.

Mechanical Problems Or Osteoarthritis

There was a review published in January of 2009 that challenges the conventional thinking that cartilage problems and joint damage that are visible on x-rays are the keys to osteoarthritis, or OA. The authors of this review, saw OA as a painful reaction to mechanical problems, with the muscles surro

Arthritis - Types Of Arthritis

The many different types of arthritis, the differences between them, and how they should be treated.

Gout Pain Relief - Are Cherries Really the Answer?

If you're suffering from gout pain, it's important to recognize what treatment options work best for your body. For many years, it has been whispered that cherries are a miracle cure of sorts for gout. Is it true or just another false claim?

Differences Between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis is the medical term used to refer to the inflammation of the joints. There are about 150 varieties of arthritis that have been identified. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are described as the most common of these varieties.

Arthritis Treatment Options

WebMD provides an overview of arthritis treatment options, including medications, surgery, heat, exercise, rest, and alternative therapies.

High Uric Acid in Blood Test - Testing For Gout

A test for high uric acid in blood may be called for when your doctor suspects that you may be suffering from gout. Recurring gout attacks can lead to permanently damaged joints and damaged kidneys, so it's important always to get diagnosed by your doctor. Here, you'll discover what causes

Herbal Remedy For Gout That Works

In Herbal Remedy For Gout That Works you'll discover seven simple herbal remedies that more and more people are using as part of their gout treatment. One of the many benefits that a natural herbal remedy for gout has is that it has no bad side effects. Herbal remedies for gout aren't new,

About Prednisone & Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition that causes progressive damage to the joints, usually accompanied by significant pain and swelling. Prednisone, a prescription-only corticosteroid is sometimes used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Corticosteroids are useful in rheumatoid arthritis becau

Control Arthritis With Natural Remedies

One usually associates arthritis with old age. While this association is, to a certain extent, accurate, it is only really true for one form of arthritis called Osteoarthritis.

Fibromyalgia and Alternative Treatments

WebMD describes alternative treatments that may help reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia, including acupuncture, homeopathy, massage, meditation, and chiropractic manipulation.