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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

Learn About the Side Effects of Cervical Cancer Treatment

Once treatment has concluded, depending on the type of treatment and the stage that the cervical cancer was in, you will most likely feel some side effects. Here are a few, based on the three most common treatments: surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.Surgery It takes time to heal after surg

Is My Cyst Cancerous?

Having a thyroid cyst is more prevalent in women with an estimated one in 12 to 15 women and one in 50 men being diagnosed with the growth. A large number of the population unknowingly have such a growth on their thyroid gland.

Least Is Best in CRC Follow-up

Drs. David Kerr and John Marshall discuss colorectal cancer highlights from ASCO, including findings on follow-up scans, chemo holidays, and drug combos.

Recommended Reading List

This recommended reading list is comprised of books I would suggest to a friend or loved one coping with colon cancer.

Eye Cancer

Eye cancer is a universal term used to depict tumors that crop up in various parts of the eye. It occurs when cells in or just about the eye alter and nurture uncontrollably, forming a ...

Medical Science Learns More About Lymphomas

Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's B-cell lymphomas are closely related -- a finding that may help guide further research into the management of Hodgkin's disease, report a team of German, Swiss, and U.S. researchers in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms And Prevention

Prostate cancer symptoms are similar to those of chronic prostatitis. After skin cancer, prostate cancer is the second most common diagnosed cancer for men in the U.S.

Lung Cancer And Mesothelioma - The Role Of Smoking

Lung cancer and pleural mesothelioma, both affect the lungs of a person. Mesothelioma is not a form of lung cancer; both of these are two different kinds of diseases. The lung cancer develops in the tissues of the lungs while mesothelioma affects the lining around the lungs which is called 'ple

ARC Cancer Treatment

ARC is an acronym for "Aftercare Research Counselling." ARC is a registered charity that was founded in 1994. Situated in Dublin, Ireland, the ARC Centre provides care and support for cancer patients and their families.

The Big Question - What Brings About Ovarian Cysts?

Ovarian cysts are quite common and in fact one out of every two women will deal with ovarian cysts at one point or an additional in their life. There are also malignant cysts which could be responsible for causing ovarian cancer.

Uterine Cancer Prognosis - Treatment Options

Can you improve your uterine cancer prognosis? Cancer survivor and author, Karon Beattie, led a team of medical researchers to compile accounts of over 350 non-toxic and gentle cancer treatments that have a track record for beating cancer, including uterine cancer.

7 Things You Should Tell Your Gynecologist

Many women neglect to tell their gynecologists important information about their health. Review important health facts that your gynecologist needs to know about you.

Multiple Myeloma Treatment With Velcade Dex

Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that attacks plasma cells. Multiple myeloma causes an increase in the number of abnormal cells that create abnormal antibodies which show up in the blood or urine. Velcade Dex is a combination drug treatment using Velcade and Dexamethasone that targets these plas

Surviving Cancer

The mind can help a lot while recovering from an illness, the quote "MIND OVER MATTER" works for real. If a patient believes she/he can survive cancer, then she would have the determination to fight the disease and undergo necessary procedures. Support, attention and love are the main keys

What is an Herbal Treatment for Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer is the most common cancer of the digestive track. It mainly affects older people and there may be a genetic link. Since tumors can grow quite large without obstructing the bowel, the cancer can go undetected for quite a while and is not usually diagnosed until it has spread. There are m

How Many Kinds of Cancer Cells Are There?

Learning more about cancer is an effective method for prevention on its own. The more you know the more likely you are to get frequent screenings and notice the symptoms early, if you fall ill. It is worth finding out more about the different kinds of cancer cells first.