Pregnancy and Chemo a Risky Combo

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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

New Techniques, Cameras Improve Colonoscopy

The screening test no one likes to talk about, colonoscopy, is getting even more accurate, thanks to better techniques and equipment, such as a camera that helps detect polyps and other lesions lurking behind the folds of the intestines.

Types of Lung Cancer

There are several different types of lung cancer each determined by what area of the lungs is diseased and how the cells appear under microscopic review. Some forms are more aggressive and spread faster and yet respond better to conventional therapies. No matter the type or stage of lung cancer, the

Jellyfish Protein for Memory Loss?

Hope is a good thing, and it doesn’t always come in a bottle. Here, without dashing hopes, some healthy skepticism on jellyfish protein for memory loss.

Axxent Electronic Brachytherapy for Breast Cancer

Axxent electronicbrachytherapy treatment system can give you accelerated partial breast radiation without using a radioactive source. Electronic brachytherapy uses a miniature X-ray source to produce radiation, instead of radioactive isotopes. Learn more about electronic brachytherapy here.

Affordable Chemotherapy Treatment Options Abroad

Chemotherapy is the use of various chemical drugs to control the growth and spread of cancerous cells affecting any organ of the body. There are different chemotherapy regimens (i.e. a standardized combination of multiple chemotherapy drugs for treatment of specific types of cancers).

Why Are Young Oncologists Burned Out?

Tim Moynihan, MD, coauthor of a landmark study on burnout in US oncology fellows, talks about the stressors that are wearing down oncologists before their careers begin.

Lung Cancer Risk Upped By Alcohol

Smokers will tell you that nothing goes better with a glass of wine or a beer than a cigarette... and while medicine has long known that smoking is a lung cancer risk, the companion behavior (drinking to excess) appears to be a rather serious, though unrecognized, risk. A new study has found a relat

Secondary Cancer 101

There are two concepts behind secondary cancer. Secondary cancer is more like a complication of a primary cancer that has advanced its stage and must be given attention.

A Cancer Survivor Story - Forgiving Yourself

When I design cancer/illness-healing strategies, my first intention is to discover what emotional issues may have led to manifesting the cancer or illness. Healing stories and guidance for individuals who have overcome or currently have cancer or a seriousness illness.

Refining Sunitinib Use Extends Survival in RCC

Dr Bernard Escudier highlights the renal cancer presentations from ESMO 2014, focusing on data on gene signatures, new uses of old drugs, and promising combinations to improve survival.

Mesothelioma - What Is It

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer. Many people are not aware of what it actually is, and how it affects the body.

Connect With Cancer Walks and Fight Cancer

Participating in one or more cancer walks in your area is a great way to join the fight against cancer and have fun at the same time. What do you need to consider when you are ready to support a cancer walk?

Cancer Pain

Cancer pain is manageable. WebMD explains its causes and symptoms and how it is treated.