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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

Could the HPV Vaccine Treat Other Cancers?

Doctors have raised hopes that the Human Papilloma Virus vaccine, introduced over the last couple of years to protect young women against cervical cancer (and genital warts, when the Gardasil version is used) could also protect against different types of cancer, including cancers in men. Recent rese

Signs of Tonsil Cancer

Introduction Tonsil cancer refers to the cancer that develops around the head as well as neck regions. It is more prevalent in the theoretician which consists of the last portion of the tongue, the soft ...

Testicular Cancer

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of testicular cancer including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.


Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell. Learn the full definition.

Mesothelioma Prognosis And Treatments

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that frequently will manifest itself in the outer lining of the lungs, known as the pleura. However it may also emerge in the lining of a number of other body organs. The organ's lining is known as the mesothelium. It's most common cause is from being

What Is the ABCD Rule for Malignant Melanoma?

Melanoma is a malignancy of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. The irregularity may start off looking as if it is just a mole; however, it grows over time into an odd-looking, misshapen, multicolored presence that doesn't go away. Skin cancer, like most cancers, may be deadly if not treated

Virtual Colonoscopy, Real Accuracy

A 15-center study shows that virtual colonoscopy -- colon cancer screening via CT scan -- finds large precancerous polyps as well as real colonoscopy does.

Cancer Vs Celebrities Increases Awareness to Joe Public

It is becoming more apparent that we cannot ignore the plight of the rich and famous as they succumb to their diseases like the rest of us. They are not exempt from the devastation that occurs during these times and this will drive more people to become more focused on lifestyle changes and preventi

Attitudes and the Will to Loive

Attitude, The Will to Live Attitude is everything with a strong will to live. Do you believe this to be true? Can it help to prolong your life? What can it do for you immune ...

Skin Cancer Moles

It is normal to have moles on your body as practically everyone has dozens of moles on their body. Most of these moles are non-malignant, and are of no danger. However there is a chance for some of these moles to become cancerous and these moles are called skin cancer moles.

FDA Approves New Breast Cancer Drug

The FDA has approved the first in a new class of drugs that reduces the side effects and boosts the effectiveness of traditional breast cancer chemotherapy.

The top ten best-selling cancer drugs of 2013

According to industry data, in 2013 the world's best-selling cancer drug is MabThera (rituximab / MabThera, Genentech / Roche), for the treatment of blood malignancies, with sales of $ 8 bill