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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

Mesothelioma - Do You Need To Worry?

Mesothelioma is a unique cancer that's directly associated with asbestos. This cancer grows in the mesothelium which is the lining that encapsulates many of the body's organs but is more common in the lungs and chest cavity.

Pharmacy Shop Online: Buy Your Medicine Easily

Visiting amedical store every time for collecting medicines could be tiring task for those who find it hard to commute or whose health situation makes it impossible for them to visit the medical center to purchase medicines.

Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms

It is tough to detect pancreatic cancer with an earlier stage. The issue is not too people forget the symptoms, inside a many cases the symptoms only develop after pancreatic cancer is continuing to grow ...

Asbestosis Symptoms Guide

Asbestosis is a chronic lung condition that causes damage to the tissue of the lungs. Asbestosis symptoms tend to begin to show after fifteen to twenty years after the initial asbestos exposure occurred. Some symptoms begin quite mildly but then become more sever over time- shortness of breath is a

Statistics of Breast Cancer in the United States

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor which originates from the tissues of the breast, especially the milk ducts and the lobules of the breast. This disease is more common in women and very rarely found in men.

Thyroid Cancer in Situ Prognosis

Thyroid cancer in situ is a cancer that originates in the thyroid gland. "In situ" is a Latin phrase meaning "in the place of origin" and refers to thyroid cancer that has not spread to adjacent tissue or other parts of the body. Only about one in 20 thyroid tumors are cancerous. Thyroid cancer is t

Stress Reduction Tips for Cancer Caregivers

If you're taking care of someone with cancer, you may need to tap into stress reduction tips to keep life on an even keel. Many caregivers feel guilty about taking "me" time, but doing this is important. It will help you stay happier, healthier, and be a better caregiver to your loved

Experts Continue to Scale Back Annual Pap Smear

For women 21 years and older at average risk for cervical cancer, getting screened once every 3 years should suffice, according to advice from the American College of Physicians (ACP).

What Causes Brain Fog?

"Brain fog" is a term that is often use to describe a muddled, forgetful thought pattern. Everyone experiences a brain fog now and again, and most of the time, it's harmless. It could be caused by a serious medical condition, so if you feel like you are have constant brain fog, bring it up with your

Uterine Cancer Survival Rate

A Uterine Cancer Survival Rate is measured based on a large scale of people with the same condition/disease. Patients must bear in mind that no two cases are alike and the results of the studies, although reliable, may not accurately be the same with yours.

Is FOLFOX4 for You?

Researchers from Hopital Saint Antoine in Paris found that adding Eloxatin to standard chemotherapy increased the survival of colon cancer patients. The treatment regimen is called FOLFOX4.

Prostate Cancer Genetic - A Proven Factor You Need to Consider

Hereditary prostate cancer means a genetic form of the cancer. The risk of the cancer is clearly genetic. Men with a father or brother with the disease are twice as probable to grow cancer of prostate as men with no affected relatives. The risk rises with increasing figure of affected relatives, suc

Courage is One Breath at a Time, One Foot in Front of the Other

When it was time for my hysterectomy to remove my uterine cancer, I walked into the hospital trembling like a dog walking into the vets. I put one foot in front of the other, took one step at a time, one breath at a time, and I got through it! I've always been afraid of hospitals and surgery. B

Signs of Breast Cancer Returning

Approximately two-thirds of all recurrences or returns of breast cancer occur within the breast originally affected by the cancer. The majority of times, breast cancer returns very close to the spot where the original cancer was diagnosed. If cancer does not occur at or close to the original spot, i

Lung cancer is no longer a terminal illness

Lung cancer is no longer a terminal illness Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide , each year 1.2 million new cases , including non- small cell lung cancer accounts for about 80%. Lu

Condition Treatments for Cancer

Being challenged with cancer doesn't have to be full of depression, worry and anxiety. There are options available to help alleviate the pain that most cancer patients are experiencing. However, it's usually the doctors who recommend most treatment options. Several factors are involved in determinin

The reason why Asbestos Screening Is really Essential

All of us listen to regarding asbestos screening as well as question the reason why it's therefore essential? You'll actually discover a few authors as well as writers attempt to persuade a person you will ...