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Software : Technology

Photo Blemishes Disappear With Easy Editing Techniques

You've taken a portrait and it's a great picture. But wait, that pimple will annoy you for evermore unless it's removed. That's really easy to do these days with simple photo editing techniques using healing and cloning tools.

The Most Amazing Registry Cleaner

Since the new Windows Vista has been launched more people are using that to power their computers however there are still some people that use the old Windows XP but those computers might be running as fast or as well you would hope. But all this can be changed with something called a Registry Clean

How to Use Microsoft PowerPoint for Schedules & Calendars

Though PowerPoint is primarily used as a presentation tool, its versatility in handling graphics allows you to use it for many other things, including creating calendars and displaying schedules. Microsoft Office products can use templates which automate the formatting of a new document. One of the

How to Run a PHP File in the Background

PHP is a Web developer's scripting language. Its syntax is similar to Perl, Java and C and is commonly used to create Internet applications. PHP files often are used in background cron jobs on Linux to perform tasks such as checking dates in a database, archiving old messages on a message board, rev

How to Burn Avatar Into a DVD

If you have a backup copy of an Avatar video, or if you've purchased one online that you want to watch on your DVD player, you can make this work by making use of the free native program Windows DVD Maker. This piece of software is pre-loaded on computers running Windows Vista and higher and allows

How to Make Links Work With DataFormWebPart in SPD

The Microsoft SharePoint Designer, or SPD, is a Web page and HTML editor software application that allows you to create several Web parts to be used with a published website. The SPD also includes controls that you can add at any time to enhance your Web page, such as the Data Form Web Part feature.

How to Convert Excel Sheets to Word

Microsoft Excel and Word are usually used independently from one another, but if you have a spreadsheet, you may want to use it in your Word document for a business report or a school paper. The programs are compatible, and you can place the spreadsheet information into Word without having to retype

Creating Personalized Funeral Register Books

With so many aspects of funerals becoming more personalized, consider integrating technology to provide the best products, such as customized funeral register books.

Comprehensive Services of an Internet Agentur Hamburg

Whether you are planning to launch a web business or looking for website promotion, your first stop should be a credible Internet Agentur Hamburg. Web is a larger marketplace but this place has become highly ...

PHP for Your Small Business Website - Why Is It Good?

PHP has gained immense popularity of late. Particularly, when it comes to designing as well as developing websites for small scale businesses, this multipurpose scripting language is extremely adored. This popularity of PHP, amongst the ...

Top CRM Software – What makes it to the Top?

The search for top CRM software, which has been present for years, seems to never end. If at all, the search has become even more earnest and complicated, as the intensity of competition increases from ...

Surface Rendering Methods

Surface rendering uses light to create realistic 3D models.mountain montblanc rendering image by Pavel Losevsky from Fotolia.comSurface rendering is an alternative to volume rendering used to create 3D reconstructions using computer programs. These 3D reconstructions rely on light and...


Define pslatex - from the Linux / Unix / Computing glossary at

An Investment In Cmms Maintenance Software Pays Off

CMMS programs are designed to take the busy work off your hands and provide a long lasting accountable solution for preventative maintenance, work orders, and inventory tracking.While most CMMS systems are relatively similar, it's a good idea to figure out your needs before actually picking one

How to Remove #N/A Change to 0 in an Excel Spreadsheet

A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet will return an #NA error when it can't make sense of the input you've given it. For example, if a blank cell is right in the middle of your data, or if a function isn't returning an expected value, the function will error out and return a #NA instead of the zero you may

SMTP, POP3, IMAP, Webmail. What Controls Your Emails?

What's the best recourse to rein in unsolicited email breakdowns€¦ISPs, POP3/IMAP, or SMTP? This sounds bit of a rhetoric if you are not really versed in emailing dynamics. It's a bit like talking the art ...