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Criminal Law & procedure : Law & Legal & Attorney
Criminal Lawyers Justice Guaranteed!
Criminal lawyers are of course one of the most momentous and salient people in the legal arena. They represent their clients with a high magnitude of interest and preparation.
Steps to Adopt for Personal Injury Claim Compensation for the Truck Accident
Compensation for the victim's injuries received from a truck accident is considered differently than the involvement of any other vehicle. Similarly, the liability for the suspect of a truck accident will be much higher in ...
Are Drug Sniffing Dogs so Accurate That The Evidence Can't Be Used in Court?
Everyone has seen them. They are at border crossings, airports, roadside checkpoints and many other places but just how accurate are drug sniffing dogs. Police officers have used for a long time, the
Should I hire an attorney if I am a victim of violent crime in Utah?
Are you a victim of a violent crime? Learn if you should hire an attorney. You may have a right to monetary compensation.
DUI - Blood Alcohol Content and the Effect of Time
If you drive, you've probably heard at least a little about the infamous blood alcohol content standard. The magic number these days for using it to determine whether a person is driving drunk is.08. That ...
Why Hire a Private Detective in NYC To Help Your Criminal Defense Case?
If you have been charged with a crime, it may be a good idea to hire a private detective. NYC residents accused of crimes of all types have found it helpful to let a detective ...
What Is a Breathalyzer?
Even after just a couple of drinks, someone exhibits the signs of alcohol in their system. With driving, this can be swerving, ignoring traffic signs, and behaving erratically behind the wheel. If a law enforcement official notices this type of driving, he or she can pull the person over and ask the
What Information Can You Get Doing a Criminal Background Check?
So many people ask; what exactly is a criminal background check?How do I know when I should do one?Can I find that information somewhere online for nothing?
Easy Tips To Look For Birth Records With Social Security Numbers
Social security numbers happen to be that particularly unique identification number given by the federal government. This number happens to be a string of numbers that would help authorities identify a person and the same string of Social security numbers can also be used by the general public to lo
Wild Stories Of Arrests And Bail In Las Vegas
Las Vegas consistently produces some of the most outlandish criminal dramas. Learn about some of the more bizarre tales of arrests and bail in Sin City.
Criminal Lawyer - Finding the Best Defense Lawyer for You
There are a number of reasons that someone may need the help of a criminal lawyer in USA. A good one is not cheap, but a conviction on your record can cost you over and ...
What Are Effective Writing Principles for Criminal Justice Professionals?
Effective writing principles for criminal justice professionals, while different in content, are similar in scope to those for other professionals. These principles include paying attention to the writer's audience, to the purpose of the writing and to the end use of the document. The key qualities
The Importance Of A Good Criminal Defense Attorney
There are times in a person's life when they face the legal system in one way or the other. Sometimes it is a very simple matter but sometimes it can be very serious. This is especially true when it falls in the criminal department.
About Computer Hackers' Rights
Computer hackers are those who gain access to computer or server systems without authorization. Upon gaining access, they can easily steal money and personal and business information, not to mention identities. Computer hacking is a crime punishable by law. The punishment depends on the exact circu
Can an Anonymous Tip get you Arrested for DUI?
The latest decision by the U.S. Supreme Court has now made it lawful for police to conduct a traffic stop based solely on an anonymous tip. The difference this time is that the Court held that police
What Is Criminal Trespassing?
Land and property are worth a large amount of money, so people and businesses take special care to protect their premises from unwanted visitors. This includes something as simple as locks to a fancy camera security system. If you cross onto someone else's property, they may be able to accuse y
Resisting and Evading Arrest
If you knowingly fight an arrest or flee from officers who have come to arrest you, you can be charged with resisting or evading arrest. In some states, these crimes can be charged as anything from a class A misdemeanor to a second degree felony. It is important to understand the broad definitions o
Tased or Tasered: A Guide To Using Tasers
What are Tasers? A growing number of people in the United States, some from the police force and civilians, have either used tasers or have been tased or tasered at some point. While it is ...
First DUI in Pennsylvania
A person can face severe penalties for a driving under the influence (DUI) conviction in Pennsylvania, even if it his or her first offense. The level of a person's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) can directly impact the sentence he or she receives, but it is also important to understand that
What to Look for in a Defense Lawyer for Yourself
When a person is accused with a criminal activity or charged with a crime the best possible thing to do at the time is to take help from an experienced criminal defense attorney. At time ...