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Languages : Society & Culture & Entertainment


What does the French word ringard mean? How is it pronounced and used?

French Vocabulary Books

If you are having trouble learning and remembering new French vocabulary, these specialized books can help.

Pronouncing The Mandarin NG

There are two finals that use the Mandarin NG sound - ang and eng. The NG sound is similar to the English NG sound in singer, except that the tongue is placed near the back of the mouth, blocking air flow.

How to Learn Spoken Japanese

Learning spoken Japanese may be the natural result of an interest in Japanese culture, the desire to conduct business with the Japanese or simply the ambition to tackle a challenging language. While Japanese is a complicated language you can't master quickly, beginning with the spoken language is a

Present Tense

The Italian present tense (il presente) with conjugation charts and grammar notes. Includes workbook exercises on the present tense with answer key.

Today in Francophone History

Learn about important dates in French and francophone history: famous birthdays, holidays and celebrations, and other milestones.

What Is a Dialect?

A dialect is a regional or social variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary.

Place de la Daurade in Toulouse, France

Toulouse, also known as la Ville rose (Pink Town), is the fourth largest town in France. Take a virtual tour of the southwestern French town of Toulouse with this photo gallery.