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Languages : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Answers to the Quiz on Words Derived From Place Names
"Toponym" refers to either a place name or a word coined in association with a place. Test your familiarity with toponyms by taking this matching quiz.
What Are the Different Types of Third-Person Point of View?
In the third-person point of view, third-person pronouns such as "he," "she," and "they" are used to relate events in a work of fiction or nonfiction.
French Vocabulary Books
If you are having trouble learning and remembering new French vocabulary, these specialized books can help.
What Are The Best Resources Of Learning English And Foreign Languages?
This world is home to a diverse kind of human population. In different parts of this world various kinds of people belong to different cultures, following different believes and speaking different languages are present.
Pronouncing The Mandarin NG
There are two finals that use the Mandarin NG sound - ang and eng. The NG sound is similar to the English NG sound in singer, except that the tongue is placed near the back of the mouth, blocking air flow.
Chinese Proverbs - Spilled Water is Hard to Retrieve
This Chinese proverb tell the story of the scholar Zhu Mai Chen. When he was poor his wife divorced him, but when he was rich, his wife wanted him back, but spilled water is hard to retrieve.
How to Learn Spoken Japanese
Learning spoken Japanese may be the natural result of an interest in Japanese culture, the desire to conduct business with the Japanese or simply the ambition to tackle a challenging language. While Japanese is a complicated language you can't master quickly, beginning with the spoken language is a
Read Stephen Leacock's Classic Essay, 'Are the Rich Happy?
In this satirical essay (originally published in 1916), Leacock anticipates F. Scott Fitzgerald's observation that the "very rich . . . are different from you and me."
A Classic Essay by Alice Meynell: Solitude
In this classic essay, Meynell makes clear that she greatly values a certain kind of solitude (as opposed to loneliness).
Present Tense
The Italian present tense (il presente) with conjugation charts and grammar notes. Includes workbook exercises on the present tense with answer key.
Introductory Japanese Lessons (1)
The Japanese language has only 5 vowels: a, i, u, e, o. Learn how to pronounce Japanese vowels.
Today in Francophone History
Learn about important dates in French and francophone history: famous birthdays, holidays and celebrations, and other milestones.
What Is Verb Tense in English Grammar?
In grammar, tense is the time of a verb's action or state of being, such as present or past. future.
Tu ne fais pas ça - French Mistake
What's wrong with saying "tu ne fais pas ça"? Learn about this French mistake.
What Is a Dialect?
A dialect is a regional or social variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary.
Place de la Daurade in Toulouse, France
Toulouse, also known as la Ville rose (Pink Town), is the fourth largest town in France. Take a virtual tour of the southwestern French town of Toulouse with this photo gallery.