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Languages : Society & Culture & Entertainment
What's the Difference Between 'Who' and 'Whom'?
The commonly confused relative pronouns "who" and "whom": definitions, examples, usage notes, and practice exercises.
The Most Common Mandarin Chinese Words - Part Two
The most common Mandarin Chinese words, arranged by Pinyin spelling, part two - E D F.
What's the Difference Between the Words 'Affect' and 'Effect'?
"Affect" is usually a verb meaning "to influence." "Effect" is usually a noun meaning "result." When used as a verb, "effect" means "to cause."
Vocabulary Quiz #2: Answers to the Quiz
On this page you'll find the answers to Vocabulary Quiz #2: Defining Words in Context.
How to Learn to Write and Type in German
Learning how to read and write in German has many uses: whether you are a doctoral student in the humanities, visiting Germany on vacation or simply want to add to your language knowledge, German can be an important component of your education. However, writing in German requires a significant amoun
Eight or Nine Wise Words About Letter-Writing, by Lewis Carroll
Known to the world by the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, Charles Dodgson was a lecturer in mathematics at Oxford University. His essay "Eight or Nine Wise Words About Letter-Writing" (1890) was originally printed in a miniature pamphlet to accompany the Wonderland Stamp-Case, which he himself ha
The Difference Between Reptilian & Reptoids
In paranormal and alien research, many UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists have detailed the existence of purported races of creatures known as reptoids or reptilians. Although theories differ depending on who you ask, you can see that there are common themes found in these alien theories. Most
Quick Quiz: 10 Pairs of Commonly Confused Words
On this page you'll find the answers to the Quick Quiz on Confusables: Creative Nonfiction Edition.
Examples of Parallel Items in a Series
In English grammar and rhetoric, a series is a list of three or more items, usually arranged in parallel form.
Do You Use "Ser" or "Estar" With Past Participles?
To say something is prohibited, do you say "es prohibido" or "está prohibido"? Learn how to use the "to be" verbs of Spanish with past participles.
What Are the Principal Parts of Verbs in English?
The principal parts of a verb are the three basic forms of a verb: the base form, the past tense form, and the past participle.
Chinese character type: Combined ideograms
Chinese character type: Combined ideograms: Learning characters by understanding them