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History : Society & Culture & Entertainment
10 Surprising Facts About the Titanic
You may already know that the Titanic hit an iceberg at 11:40 p.m. on the night of April 14, 1912 and sunk just over two-and-a-half hours later, but do you know the following ten facts about the Titanic?
Sir William Wallace
One of the enduring symbols of Scotland, Edinburgh Castle dominates the landscape of the city. Occupied since the mid-2nd century, the Castle Rock and Edinburgh Castle have served as a fortress, palace, and a prison. Edinburgh Castle has evolved over the centuries and now serves as museum, ceremonia
Europe and the American Revolutionary War
The American Revolutionary War and Britain, France, and Germany
French Ceramic Art Nouveau Artists
Art Nouveau, meaning "New Art" in French, is defined as a design style of the late 19th century and early 20th century characterized especially by sinuous lines and natural forms. Art Nouveau can be found in the design, style or architecture of buildings as well as in paintings, sculptures, pottery
Mesopotamian Cities Fortifications
At Nineveh, in ancient Assyria, and at Babylon, you can see that there were structures similar to the castles of the medieval period.
Starved to Submission: Siege of Colchester
The Siege of Colchester took place in the summer of 1648 during the English Civil War and saw a Royalist force surrounded and starved into submission.
Religious developments in Bengal
Development of a civilization is a continuous and gradual process and in the process, the most adoptable and adaptable practices duly supported by nature can only survive. During the process of this c
Female Artists in the Renaissance Period
During the Renaissance, a distinct artistic style emerged of reinterpreting classical and religious themes with the "rebirth" of the classical knowledge suppressed during the Middle Ages. Artists thrived during this time and European culture was inundated with the masterpieces of masters such as Mic
What Are the Differences Between Roman and Modern Theater?
In Rome, theater events were part of the ludi: the religious, and later secular, festivals that included theater performances, wild animal hunts, military reenactments, games and circenses, which included the gladiator competitions. As such, they were free to attend for anyone who could take the tim
The Kushan Empire
The Kushan Empire ruled over Afghanistan, Pakistan and northern India early in the common era. Learn more about this fascinating ancient empire here!
Learn Quotes about Leadership, Success, and popular Famous Quotes
They also tell you to trust in yourself and conquer any type of the fear and problem. Suppose you have any friend who is unsuccessful in their career then you can give them, the card with leadership q
American Civil War: Battle of Seven Pines
The Battle of Seven Pines was fought May 31, 1862, in the outskirts of Richmond. Advancing up the Peninsula, Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan was poised to assault Richmond when he was attacked by Gen. Joseph Johnston's Confederate forces at the Battle of Seven Pines. Though it was inconclusive, t
Fighting from the Mud: Siege of Fort Mifflin
The Siege of Fort Mifflin was fought September 26 to November 16, 1777, during the American Revolution. Moving up the Delaware River, the British began the Siege of Fort Mifflin in an effort to open the waterway to the Royal Navy. Holding out for over a month, the Siege of Fort Mifflin ended when th