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History : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Italian Treaties

As Rome expanded into the Italian territories, it formed treaties with the Italian peoples.

Describe the Uses, Meanings & Universal Indicators of Colors

While the precise meaning of a color varies within cultures, colors carry symbolic weight and artists have used them suggestively in their artwork since antiquity. A color's meaning is sometimes determined by its role in nature. Because of its implications, people and companies use colors in art, ad

Quotes Joe Slovo

A selection of quotes by (or about) the anti-Apartheid activist Joe Slovo.

US Army Leaders: Nelson A. Miles

General Nelson A. Miles was a noted American commander during the Civil War, Indian Wars, and Spanish-American War. Earning his stars during the Civil War, Nelson Miles became a famous Indian fighter and oversaw the campaign to capture Geronimo. Nelson Miles later led the invasion of Puerto Rico dur

British History

This article is based on the history of Great Britian.

The Gwangju Massacre, 1980

Learn more about the 1980 Gwangju Uprising in southern South Korea, and General Chun Doo-hwan's bloody response, called the Gwangju Massacre.

New routes in the artic and expansion of panama canal

There is a new paradigm taking place in sea transport in the world. For the first time in the history of the world new arctic route passage has been made possible, thanks to global warming, and the Pa

Roman Civil Wars: Battle of Actium

The Battle of Actium was fought September 2, 31 BC off Actium, Greece between Octavian and Mark Antony. After the two fleets clashed for several hours, Cleopatra fled Actium with her ships. Seeing this, Antony followed allowing his fleets to be destroyed. Actium was the deciding battle in the confli

A Look at John Marshall, Key Chief Justice

Here is a profile of John Marshall, the fourth chief justice of the Supreme Court responsible for deciding numerous key cases. Learn more about John Marshall with this profile.

American Civil War: Battle of Big Black River Bridge

The Battle of Big Black River Bridge was fought May 17, 1863, during the American Civil War. Advancing from the victory at Champion Hill the day before, Union forces engaged Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton's army at the Battle of Big Black River Bridge. In a brief but sharp fight, the Battle of Big


What is coptic?

Black Bart: Bartholomew Roberts

Born in Wales, Bartholomew Roberts became one of the most successful pirates of all time. Sailing the coasts of Africa, Brazil, North American, as well as in the Caribbean he captured over 470 ships in his brief two and half year career. Bartholomew Roberts was killed February 10, 1722, during a bat