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Music : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Pure Pitch Method Review - Is it Any Good?
"Perfect Pitch" seems to be a highly debatable topic of conversation. Some folks argue that one can only be born with it, and other people claim it can be learned. Whatever side of the argument you fall on, one thing is for sure: the ability to recognize pitches at will is a huge, tremendo
So You Want to Be a Rock 'n' Roll Star
"Just get an electric guitar, then take some time and learn how to play" to be a rock 'n' roll star, according to the 60s' super rock group the Byrds. But which guitar should you get? The band never addressed that question in their famous song "So You Want to Be a Rock
Drums UK Concerts Tickets
Drums Tickets for Concerts in UK are available at Sold Out Ticket Market against nominal pric
Mandolin - Understanding and Playing Chords
Musicians playing mandolin in Europe, rarely play chords, unlike their USA counterparts that play bluegrass music. In this article we will describe why this is different and then we will continue with an introduction to the music theory behind chords before finally providing links to an online mando
Keyboard Bags
Anybody who buys his/her first keyboard generally buys a stand and a keyboard bag also along with the keyboard. A keyboard bag is also referred to as a soft case and offers some good benefits.
How to Learn Piano Keys - Your Guide to Becoming a Pianist
It could be overwhelming just looking at a grand piano with its 81 keys. However don't let this stop you to learn piano keys which believe it or not is quite easy. Haven't touched a piano before?
Skip James Profile
Profile of Mississippi Delta bluesman Skip James, whose song "I'm So Glad" was immortalized by blues-rock legends Cream in 1966.
Taylor Swift performs on her Fearless 2009 tour
View photos taken by Amber Joiner at Taylor Swift's opening night on her Fearless 2009 Tour.
How to Play Alternative Guitar Music
"Alternative Music" was a term that was first coined to describe any music played, most commonly punk music, that was not in the "mainstream." However, the term has since been co-opted as a catch-all phrase used to label most of the middle ground of the "rock" genre of music. This is generally the t
Commit Yourself to Achieve Best Result Through the Easy to Learn Guitar Lesson
Learning guitar is not an easy thing but is rewarding in the end. This is a skill that when you commit to learn would save your life from stress. Basically, the difficulty varies on how you tackle and appreciate the process.
Wild World Guitar Tab and Some Background
Back in 1971, Cat Stevens released Wild World and guitar players have been trying to get the guitar tab ever since. It is available, but there are better options to properly learn a great song.
Whitney Houston - Moment of Truth
Whitney Houston was born in Newark, New Jersey in 1963 to John Houston and Cissy Houston, a gospel singer. Dionne Warwick is her cousin and Aretha Franklin is her godmother. By age 11 Whitney was following in her mother's footsteps and was performing in the junior gospel choir at their New Hope
Electric Guitar Packages - The All In One Solution
Most teeanagers dream about owning and playing a guitar. So what would they do for an electric guitar .... (best not dwell on that one)? Perhaps the easiest way for a beginner to get started is with an electric guitar package, incorporating everything that you need to get you playing.
Why Trying To Learn Guitar Tabs Can Be So Frustrating
For many people the need to learn guitar tabs comes at a later stage in their guitar playing career. The real difficulty lies in trying to cope with the transition from a casual, self taught ...
Home Recording Equipment
Find out what the basic equipment is for a home music studio so you can get started on recording. There are five key pieces of equipment and once you get the hang of them the potential of your home music studio will be amazing.