How a Butterfly Can Have a Drastic Affect on How You Play the Guitar!

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Music : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Teach Yourself How to Play Guitar

Guitar is the instrument in the world that most people would love to learn how to play. The guitar is always a success to know how to play, you can play in parties, for recreation, in a band or just for fun. The big question is, how can you teach yourself how to play guitar?

Kawai CA65 Digital Piano Launched

Kawai CA65 Digital Piano Launched The Kawai CA65 has been unveiled, offering improved piano realism and key action The Kawai CA65 digital piano has been launched, and offers even more than its predecessor, the CA63. ...

How to Handle Multiple Emails With Android Froyo

The default email application built into Android OS 2.2 allows you to select multiple emails and perform certain functions as a batch. You can delete emails, mark them with a star, or mark them read or unread. These options allow you to handle multiple emails at a time, without having to make change

Composers & Songwriters in the 1930s

The composers of the 1930s were referred to as Tin Pan Alley song writers. According to the authors of the book "American Popular Music," the standout songwriters of that decade were extraordinary in terms of the quality and quantity of their work. Some of the writers of the 1930s were the first to

Don't Kill the Format - Part 3

Can CD's still be sold in today's digital age, or has the CD be superseded by better and more efficient technology. The problem with CD sales does not lay entirely with the format, CD's have not suddenly become 8 Tracks or Betamax. Both these formats or content carriers became redunda

Why People Should Go For Drum Lessons Available Online?

Internet is a great help to all those who want to enhance their skills. To do this a high creativity and lots of ideas are required. Another important thing that can’t be sidelined is that the learner should be aware about the different parts of drum.

How to Get a Blank UMD

The Universal Mini-Disc (UMD) is the standard gaming disc for Playstation Portable gaming consoles. If you would like to get a blank UMD, you can format it on your computer. Once the UMD is formatted, you will be able to transfer files or programs to it in order to play them on your PSP. You donR

Guitar For Kids -- Using Math -- Math??? Ewwww...

Let's talk some more about the Chromatic Scale, and why it's so cool.Remember this thing is also called the 12-tone scale. It's also called the half-step scale because the distance or interval between each note is 1/2 (one-half) step.

Easy Guitar Learning Revealed

Are there easy guitar learning techniques? After searching around the Internet and seeing all the claims of "guitar mastery in no time," you may be asking yourself if any are true. Well, actually, there are many easy tips, but it can be a challenge to know where to start.

Country Music - History And Development Drummers Guide Part Two

In the 1950s, Ray Price, with drummer Buddy Harman, developed the Country Shuffle. In the same decade, the heavier back beat influence of Rock n' Roll emerged. In this article we will be discussing Country music style, development and history - part two.

How to Become a Good Lyrics Writer

Becoming a good lyricist takes time, effort, dedication and patience. Natural talent obviously plays a significant role in the process but hard work and perseverance are essential qualities as well. Many popular songs are formulaic both in terms of the musical and lyrical content, but good songwrite

Beginner Guitar Lessons - Useful Information

There is no doubt that guitar is one of the most played musical instrument worldwide. Whether you're into rock, jazz, country, blues and even pop music, there will always be a form of guitar suited to your personality.