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Performing Arts : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Learn Standup Comedy

So, you think you're funny huh? You think just because you can make people laugh, you think, now you want to be the next 'Steve Martin'. Now, Mr. Martin is funny and does very well with his craft. Can you?

Who is Bill O’Reilly?

Learn more about political commentator Bill O’Reilly and how he became known as Papa Bear to Stephen Colbert - and launhched one of the most popular political talk shows on television.

Spicing Up New Year's Eve

If you have been thinking of hosting the best of New Year's Eve parties, the kind that won't be forgotten and are not just about dancing the night away then you should consider getting a Comedy hypnotist to perform. People no longer are attracted to in droves to the pulsating music or danc

How to Make Homemade Stage Props

Props are an essential element of the theatre. A prop is any hand held or non-set item used on stage. A props master must either find or make the props. Constructing props involves a good bit of creativity and some basic materials and know-how. The first thing to consider before beginning is the nat

What Is the History of Belly Dancing Music?

Belly dancing refers to a traditional style of dancing found in various Arab cultures known as raqs sharqi that translates as oriental dance. (See References 2) One account dates the origin of Arabic music to the 6th century with tone and melodies suitable for abdominal, hip and chest movements exer

Remember the FUN!

Too often actors get wrapped up in the marketing and busy work of running their careers and forget the reason they became actors - because it was fun..and because they have a PASSION for the art of ACTING! Can you remember the first time you saw a stage production of "something" and it hit

How to Set Up Stage Sound Equipment

Setting up stage sound equipment requires knowledge of sound systems and their components. Large concert sound systems are very complex, but small to midsized systems for night club stages, for example, are largely self-contained, and can be set up with minimal effort. The usual stage sound setup fo

How Well Do You Outfit Your Puppets?

Even though puppets come with an outfit, it doesn't always match the parts in your play. This article gives tips for finding puppet clothes at low cost or even free. It's a great idea to develop a puppet wardrobe.

The History of the Ballet Tutu

Say the word "ballerina" and most people will picture her in a tutu. Tutus have long been the most revered form of ballet costume; their angelic frothiness adds at magic quality to the look of a ballerina. When she wears one, she looks like a sugary confection that belongs on the grandest

Learn to Sing and Master Your Voice in Any Style

A lot of people may tell you that singing is a gift that you have to be born with. Nothing could be further from the truth! With the right training, you really can learn to master your voice. It doesn't have to take 20 years either. These eight tips will help you train your voice to do incredib

How to Get Discounted Broadway Tickets

There are a number of ways you can get discounted Broadway tickets in NYC if you're on a budget and do not feel like paying the average price of $100 per ticket. Cancellations: When cancellations are made at the eleventh-hour, rather than lose money on the unsold seats, the theater may choose t

Avoiding Costume Catastrophes

How to avoid costume catastrophes is a hot topic to every belly dancer. There is so much to the belly dancing outfit that some dancers have gotten pretty creative as to what they want to wear. For example one dancer wanted to bring even more sex appeal to her dance so she went with just a coin bra c