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Environmental : Health & Medical

Hazardous Waste Disposal Law

Thoughtless disposal of computer hardware contaminate our entire ecosystem. The hazardous materials such as lead, metals, cadmium and mercury found in different computer components have severe impact on environment and the consequences could be far detrimental. Over 30 percent of Monitor's weig

The Human Impact on Climate Change

Humanity is causing the planets environment to spiral out of control. By the end of the century earth's natural resources will be depleted. By 2050 earth can see a rise in ocean levels of up to seven feet. Humanity is destroying the environment, and barely doing anything to stop it.

The Danger of Raccoons

Raccoons normally find their way in through the attic, either through a hole or by chewing their way in. They are exceedingly dangerous to have in the house for various reasons.

Printing Green - Not Money

Nowadays, it's almost impossible to find paper that doesn't have some type of recyclable materials in it. Nearly 44 million tons of paper was recycled in 2006 from just the United States alone, which is where one-third of all recyclables come from now.

How Recycling E-Waste Helps The Environment

The environment is quickly going down the tubes. Lots of people don't realize it but 133,000 electronics are stored away permanently a day. These electronic devices are not thrown out, instead they are saved and stored in a closet or something for years.

Financial Benefits of Solar Electricity - Generating Systems

The financial benefits for solar in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island have never been higher due to rebates, tax credits, SRECs, and efficiencies in the solar industry. Find out why right now is the best time to make an investment in solar technology.

The Many Unusual Uses For Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth (DE) filtration is common for swimming pools, fish tanks, and other filtering jobs, but what would you say if you heard that there is a food grade of this substance? No, not food for people. Actually, though, it can be mixed with animal feed and used in a number of other processes

Managing Carbon Emissions

Mastek's consultants said that planting 3 million trees would take care of our entire carbon footprint. Planting these trees today might ensure Mastek's carbon neutrality for generations.

Economic Development and Environmental Awareness

Companies began to cooperate to minimize negative effects of pollution and require environmental responsibility. Agreements and international cooperative action have been able to police and prosecute offenders of reasonable standards of emissions.

Is Your Drinking Water Safe?

Water that is not properly filtered may expose the body to numerous toxic chemicals. The Environmental Working Group recently conducted a nationwide analysis of drinking water, finding that a majority contained the possible carcinogen, hexavalent chromium.

Environmental Awareness and Responsibility

The importance of being aware of our environmental activities and taking responsibility with our actions as we continuously face challenges in our changing world.

Why is Today's Mattress Disposal Process Dead Wrong?

Today, with the rise of public consciousness, good people like you are looking for effective alternatives to conserve energy, to protect the environment and to create jobs here in the United States.The people's need for environmental protection and sustainable development forced the U.S. govern

Honoring The Tree, Saving The World

Just how important is the environment to mankind. What constitutes environment. How is environmental change related to human activity and what can mankind do to save themselves?

What Exactly is Organic Farming?

Organic Farming is a term that can be grossly misrepresented by those who are not genuine Organic Farmers. It is not just a form of agricultural practice that uses compost, crop rotation and shuns manufactured chemicals and artificial hormones. It is more than that.

The Best Environmental Dry Cleaning Methods

Perchloroethylene, better known as perc, is used by 80 percent of dry cleaners in the United States as a solvent to wash clothes that are "dry clean only."Despite its effectiveness, the use of this chemical has been linked to a range of health side effects and has recently come under heavy