How Much Fertilizer Should Be Used for Large Trees?

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Gardening : Home & Garden

Desert Marsh Plants

Desert marshes are vital habitats for many plants and animals.Jupiterimages/ ImagesA marsh within a desert may sound improbable but in several states with desert habitats, the edge or end of a river often becomes a marshy refuge for fish, birds, game and plants. Some of...

How to Use Corner Fencing for a Garden for Best Results

The use of corner fencing for a garden is a good way to control rabbits and other creatures that might like to share in on your vegetables. While it is nice to share with the wildlife in the area, it can be frustrating to wake one morning to all your lettuce, tomatoes or other gardening plants gone.

Red-Leaved Heuchera Cultivars

There is nothing like the unusual red tones of the reddish Heuchera cultivars. Below is a description of some of the best Heucehra for the southeast U.S.

How Does Plant Fertilizer Work?

The BasicsChannels in plant stems carry chlorophyll, water and nutrients between roots and leaves.Plants need three things to live: sunlight, water and nutrients. Different types of plants require different amounts of light, water and soil compositions. Gardeners can locate plants where...

Magenta Bat DetectorBat Enthusiasts First Friend!

If there’s a bat in your house, don’t panic. Bats are rarely aggressive and may bite, if handled with bare hand. So always wear gloves when removing bats. Let’s know some interesting facts about bats and their ecology.

How to Replant Okra

Okra is a warm season vegetable and a member of the mallow family. It is grown throughout the southern United States, and is commonly fried, boiled, steamed and pickled. Okra is also used in soups and stews. The vegetable does not do well when started in cold soil, which is why growers usually germi

What to Do and Know When Planting Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is widely known as an ornamental plant. But now in the modern age, it is used as a medicinal plant. If you want to grow this wonderful plant in your own garden, there are a few tips that you need to know.

How to Maintain & Store Family Sports Equipment

Many families have children who are very interested in sports these days. They are constantly driving here, there, and everywhere to go to everyone&'s sports games. After a while, all of the equipment required by ...

Forcing Bulbs for A Beautiful Indoor This Winter

Winter can be a long season but you can achieve a hint of spring or summer by forcing bulbs into blooms inside your own home. Here are some plants that create beautiful blooms.

How to Move Oriental Poppies

There comes a time in many gardeners' lives where they realize that a plant is in the wrong place and therefore needs moving. It may be that a plant self seeded in a position and was left to mature, or that when it was originally planted you thought it wouldn't grow as big as it has. Alter

Top Ways to Grow Flowers

In these days of massive development and modernization where space is of premium, finding houses with gardens is rare. Fortunate are those who manage to inherit or are able to afford property which ha

Landscapers Can Help Add a Touch of Life to Your Home

Are you looking to landscape your property? Then Austin landscapers are some of the best professionals you can hire. There are Austin landscapers with years of experience, who can add a touch of unbeatable style to your garden and lawn. Simply contact one of them today, and they will take care of al

How to Transplant Hardy Hibiscus

Showy hibiscus shrubs brighten any corner of a yard with their impressive blooms that range in size from 2 inches to a massive dinner plate size. Unlike their more delicate cousins, hardy hibiscus shrubs are tolerant of temperatures as low as -30 degrees, making them ideal plants for northern climat

Homemade Fertilizers for Roses

For all their natural elegance and beauty, roses can be a bit demanding. In addition to routine pruning and cultural care, roses are heavy feeders and must be fertilized regularly to bloom and grow. While there are a number of commercially prepared, slow-release, inorganic fertilizers designed speci

Preserving Fall Leaves

Fall foliage is a highlight of the season. Colorful leaves may be even more attractive than flowers. However to make an indoor display of fall foliage, it helps if you dry or preserve the leaves first. Luckily this is easy to do and there are 4 basic methods for pressing and preserving colorful fall

How To Design Garden?

Colorful gardens have the tendency to attract people from all age groups, from children to elders. In this modern era, it's not difficult to sight beautiful and...

How to Make a Worm Compost Bin

Any container roughly 2ft by 2ft is large enough but you can go bigger. Good aeration is very important, worms are just like you and me they need to breathe air.

Polka Dot Plant Care

Polka dot (Hypoestes phyllostachya) plants are perennials native to Madagascar. Plants have greenish leaves with pink or white polka dots. Plants stems grow about 1 foot tall and make ideal plants for hanging baskets. Proper care of the polka dot plant will prevent stingy stems with scarce leaves.

How to Make a Strawberry Pyramid Planter

A strawberry pyramid improves soil drainage, while giving room to grow more strawberries in a smaller space. To build your own, choose long-lasting wood such as cedar or cypress, or use cheaper pine or scrap lumber and plan to replace the tower in a few years if the wood rots. Avoid treated lumber,