How Much Fertilizer Should Be Used for Large Trees?

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Gardening : Home & Garden

How to Grow Dipladenia Flowers

Dipladenia, also known as mandevilla, grows as a tall vine with deep green foliage and large flowers. The trumpet-shaped blossoms come in shades of pink, red, white and yellow. Dipladenia grows as a tender annual in most areas, unless it's overwintered indoors in an area protected from winter frost.

The Best pH Levels for Growing in the Earth

Soil pH measures the alkalinity or acidity of a given soil. Acidic soils have pH levels lower than 7. Soils with a pH above 7 are referred to as alkaline soils, and those with a pH of 7 are considered neutral. Soil pH has a significant impact on nutrient availability, and excessively high or low lev

Grow Backyard Garden Tomato Plants

Almost every garden has tomato plants probably 90% of all gardeners grow these plants. That is probably because tomatoes can be grown almost anywhere and is known as the main plant in many gardens. Many ...

Vegetable Guide for Planting Year Round in Kentucky

When planning a year-round vegetable garden in Kentucky, identify microclimates, or naturally protected areas, in your landscape that are warmer than surrounding areas or protected from frost. Use plants known to grow well in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 6.

Bonsai Gardening - Which Plants and Trees to Use

Originating in Asia, bonsai gardening has its roots in ancient times. Although many people associate the word bonsai with trees, many plants can be grown in the bonsai style, as the word bonsai literally means 'tray' and 'growing'.

Starting Your Urban Homestead With Free Heirloom Garden Seeds

Are we really willing to place ourselves at the mercy of a worsening economy, and an increasingly over-burdened retail food supply system? If not, now is a good time to acquire a large stock of heirloom garden seeds and start a garden of whatever size is reasonable.

A Traditional Site Isn't Always Great

A traditional site isn't always great, and your goal should always be greatness. Whether you have a bricks and mortar business, an information marketing business, affiliate program or a socia

3 Great Reasons For Going Organic

Though organic farming seems to be a new, up and coming trend in the United States, it is not new to the farming world.Farming techniques started to change during the eighteenth century with the development of artificial fertilizers. Over time, in order to keep up with the demand, farmers became dep

Perennial Garden Planner

Perennial gardens require little maintenance and less water than annuals, according to the Colorado State University Extension. A well-planned perennial garden can ensure beauty year after year.

Have You Run Out Of Room? We Have A Solution

Home storage needs can be met with the use of sheds. There are many varieties and styles of sheds available to home owners. There are several aspects one needs to consider when purchasing this type of structure for your home.What size will you need to fit all your additional belongings? Many people

Different Types of Herb Garden Designs

Of course your home herb garden can be designed anyway you like it, after all, it's your garden! There are however, a number of specific types of herb gardens that are commonly embraced by the home gardener or home designer. In this article we will briefly discuss some of these designs.

What Plant Food is for a Rhododendron Plant?

Rhododendrons are evergreen shrubs with 10 or more stamens in each flower. They are native of the more temperate regions of the north. Fertilizing is seldom necessary, but sometimes is useful to improve leaf color and promote blossoming.

How to Safely Clean a Bird Bath

Cleaning an algae-filled birdbath should be part of a weekly routine for a safe watering practice when dealing with wildlife. Along with the green slime, mosquitoes can also find the dirty birdbath to be a wonderful breeding area. By following a basic procedure you can clean the birdbath safely and