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Hair Health,Hair Loss : Health & Medical

Overcoming Pattern Baldness Starts With a New Method of Treatment

You can't keep continuing down that same road of losing hair if you truly want to get ahead and fight pattern baldness. Of course it's a pain to deal with, but wasting time and money on useless over-the-counter treatments and various other concoctions just aren't going to cut it.

Hair Loss and Hair Re-Growth Part III - Re-Grow Your Hair With Foods

Hair Loss is a global phenomenon. It affects millions of people around the world. Hair loss might be inherited from generation to generation. It may be caused by other factors such as uncontrolled diet that is high in saturated and trans fat that results in cholesterol clogging up the arteries causi

How To Stop Hair Loss In Women: Nurture, Not Torture Your Hair!

Getting disheartened about the continuous hair loss in you? Worried that you might finally end up bald losing all your crowning glory? If your worries are way above your neck, make it a point that you finally do something about your hair loss problem before it gets the better of you.

How to Grow a Beard?

The beard has been synonymous with wisdom, social power throughout history and across cultures status. Currently the facial hair has pros and cons. For example some say with the beard men tend be older, grumpy ...

Causes of Sudden Hair Loss - Why it is Important to See a Doctor

If you are one of the nearly 80 million Americans suffering from hair loss today, you are probably pretty curious as to what is the cause. For men, most hair loss is gradual and happens due to genetics. For women, there is a much wider variety of causes and it is often more sudden than it is for men

Common Issues Contributing For Hair Loss Reviews

The problem that is faced by almost everyone in the world is because of baldness. Hair styles that you have give you an attractive and cute look to your face. So many people feel bad when they start to lose the hair present on their head. This article deals with some of the common issues contributin

How to Loosen Curls in Wavy Hair

Although there are a lot of styling products that will reduce the curl in wavy hair, many of them can damage the hair (for example, hair relaxers can damage the hair shafts, hair follicles and even the scalp). Instead of using harsh styling products to get loose waves rather than curls, try blowing

Balding Scalp Marring the Looks

A man of 25 years could look like a 45 year oldster, thanks to his balding scalp and hair loss problems. But why only men, the situation is equally worse for women as it for men. But, do have answers

A Short Brief On How To Use Flat Irons Safely

Even though flat irons are great tools that offer quick and easy home-styling, without proper usage you may damage your hair. The following are some of the threats and tips to know about flat iron.

How to Fight Against Hereditary Hair Loss With Rogaine?

Rogaine (Minoxidil) is FDA-approved topical treatment which is clinically proven to treat hereditary hair loss in both men and women. Hereditary hair loss is regarded as the common reason for hair fall; it is generally ...

How to Easily Stop Hair Loss

Everyone's out looking for that easy way to stop hair loss without having to put in a lot of time and money. Is this really possible to do, or does it require a lot more than what you think?

Hair Loss Home Remedies For Women

Follow these tips to reduce hair loss and grow healthy hair that is not only beautiful but also easy to manage. There are no drugs involved but just some obvious and natural tips that are often overlooked by many to control hair loss.

How to Make Dragonfly Pins

Dragonfly designs are found in home decor items and jewelry. The return of spring is a great time to wear a dragonfly accessory. Make unique dragonfly pins for yourself or as gifts with a few basic tools.

Permanent Hair Removal - A Growing Problem

That's why laser centers and various other so called 'long-term' hair removal techniques can not and will not assure permanent hair removal outcomes.

Dense Hair Secret is not a Magic Pill; it's a Routine

Dense hair secret is not a magic pill; it's a routine. Running after the advertised hair growth products and using them for a month will not solve hair loss issues permanently. They might giv