Elderly Assistance - A Geriatric Care Manager

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Health Care : Health & Medical

Head Injury - When it is Serious and What to Do About it

A concussion is head trauma where you don't clearly remember the hit or the surrounding time of the incident. Any head trauma should be considered severe and needs to be seen by an M.D. and monitored closely with supervision for several days.

Monocryl Suture and Its Absorbable Suture Characteristics

This article represents a simple informative view on the properties and characteristics that Monocryl absorbable sutures have and the most commonly indicated suture applications for its use. Tensile strength and absorption time is also mentioned in detail.

Caregivers: Is Your Client or Loved One Bored or Depressed?

As caregivers, we make sure our clients and loved ones are healthy, clean and cared for. But are they happy? Keeping mobile and having things to look forward to can really improve a person's quality of life. This article lists ideas to help a caregiver get their loved one or client active and i

Challenges Faced by Diabetic Specialists in EHR Implementation

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) have started to affect almost all the specialties and diabetes care is no exception. A study by The New England Journal of Medicine finds that EHRs can have a positive impact on the quality of the care that is provided to diabete

Emergency Notification System: All About Elderly Care Assistance

Thanks to the development of personal emergency notification system, today life of the elderly and seniors has become independent and secure. Medical alarm and elderly care assistance stands as a blessing for the seniors and for the individuals that are affected with bodily injuries.

Natural Sweaty Hands Treatment

Sweaty hands treatment is something that people who suffer from this condition will want to know. If you do not want to use medicines then there are natural treatments. Many of these treatments can be done in your home.

Will a Yeast Infection Go Away on Its Own - Is There Anything I Can Do?

If you just observed that you've got a yeast infection, what will you do? You should be able to identify the disease, by observing the symptoms. In the vaginal yeast infection, there is yellow or whitish discharge, irritation, inflammation, soreness, foul odor and burning sensation during sexua

A Guide To Home Health Care Services

You enjoy living your life independently, dividing your duties with your spouse and family members. But the circumstances can change any time with age and you could never tell when you may be in need of home health care services to support you.

Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle

A guide to a healthy lifestyle is to get enough sleep. Other than that, those who are overweight should be on the way to cut down. Another important thing is to wash hands whenever necessary.

What Is Health? Asking A Few Timeless Questions

How do we make health more delicious and sexy and get better outcomes? What questions do we need to be asking and working on to engage people in designing a better health future for themselves and their communities? How can it be promoted and made more appealing? These and many other challenging hea

What Is the Principle of Veracity?

The principle of veracity, a term often used in the medical profession, refers to the ethics of telling the truth and is one guide of the conduct of medical practitioners. While this principle is not a law, violation of ethical principles, including veracity, will result in a loss of credibility and

5 Common Mistakes People With Aging Parents Make

Are you having to take on more and more responsibilities in caring for you elderly parents? If so, here are 5 common mistakes made by those who care for their elderly parents. Avoiding them will make the situation much more positive and less stressful for everyone involved.

Caregiver Tips for Communicating With Elderly Parents

Having difficult conversations with their elderly parents can be a daunting task for their adult children. This isn't necessarily because their parents lose their ability to communicate. Instead, other factors influence how effective conversations may be. Small disagreements often arise when di

Doppler Ultrasound Imaging

Ultrasound imaging - also referred to as sonography is a medical procedure often carried out in hospitals using high frequency sound waves to map images within the body. Ultrasound is a non invasive procedure and unlike Xray which uses potentially harmful ionizing radiation, ultrasound is a virtuall

How to Heal Angular Cheilitis Naturally

If you would like to know how to heal angular cheilitis naturally, there are a number of strategies which you can try which should help. The problem with this condition is that it is so difficult to live with as everyday activities such as eating, drinking and speaking are badly affected and we can

Checking For Head Lice

Of course, as a parent you're bound to think that you should have noticed the lice earlier on but head lice aren't designed to be spotted easily. They wouldn't have thrived for thousands of years if they could be seen with just a casual look. Their colouration, their size and the way