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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical
What Is Diabetic Neuropathy
Diabetic neuropathy is a condition in which the nerves suffer damage. This is caused by the prolonged effect of elevated sugar levels within the blood. High levels of blood sugar are a common consequence of diabetics. While blood sugar levels can be managed with exercise, consuming a healthy balance
10 Best Natural Home Remedies For Curing Bad Breath
Halitosis, or more popularly known as bad breath, is a condition when an unpleasant odor emits out from the oral cavity of a person. It has become a very common ailment. Many home remedies have been p
Internal Terror Attack
Distressing news of terminal illness is equivalent to experiencing an internal terror attack. Terminal illness survivors encourage others to fight to stay in the game of life. Highlighted are seven powerful characteristics evident in most survivors.
Best Cancer Institutes in India for Cancer Diagnosis & Treatment and Oncology
India is increasingly becoming a chosen destination for the best-in-class cancer diagnosis/treatment and medical oncology services on the international map.
5 Excuses That Stop People From Getting Important Joint Replacement Surgery
Many people need hip replacement surgery, hip resurfacing surgery, or knee replacement surgery and they know it. Their doctor has diagnosed the need for orthopedic surgery; they've researched their options but they just aren't doing ...
Herbs Causing a Metal Taste
Metal flavors appear in men, women and children from all areas of the world and can range from slightly annoying to extremely bothersome. They are usually harmless. A number of reasons could explain the experience of a metallic taste in the mouth. Some include dental fillings, early symptoms of pre
Do You Know What a "Drug Overdose" Is?
A drug overdose can occur when a person takes more than the recommended dosage of a drug. There have however been cases where a person is sensitive to the recommended dosage and an overdose has occurr
Understanding The Human Thyroid
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the bottom part of the neck and is wrapped around the windpipe. It is responsible for producing and storing thyroid hormones that regulate body temperature, heart ...
Avail Different Brain Cancer Treatments in Best Cancer Care Hospitals
Brain cancer has affected a large number of world populations. According to research of medical science, it occurs when cells divide irregularly and forms tumor in central nervous system. The treatment depends upon the size, ...
All You Need to Know About Accent Neutralization or Reduction
Accent neutralization or accent reduction has been propagated because of the continuous globalization of the marketplace, and as such, this trend aims to fulfill the demand created by outsourcing, an example of which is companies ...
Getting to know about Internal Hemorrhoids Treatment
Swollen veins positioned in the rectum and anus is known as hemorrhoids. The rectum area is prone to internal hemorrhoids; however, due to the absence of pain receptors in the rectum, the agitation of
Get Off the Sugar Roller-coaster, Especially if You’re Dealing With Low Blood Sugar or Hypoglycemia
If you're someone (or if you know someone who is) dealing with low blood sugar levels or hypoglycemia issues, this is something that absolutely must be undertaken ASAP. Now, would be even better. Doin
Severe Yeast Infection - It Could Happen to You
More than likely you have heard about yeast infections, but you may not have thought about them much. Perhaps you thought that they wouldn't happen to you, but then you ended up with a severe yeast infection and you realized you were wrong. There are many people who end up dealing with yeast in
Wheat Free Products
First of all it is important to know that wheat free products are different for gluten free products. When it comes to wheat free, you can still eat foods that contain things like soy, oats and barley, just not wheat.
Best Treatment For Lymphedema - Tips and Ideas
Lymphedema is one condition that affects the functioning of the lymphatic system. Knowing what it is and getting accurate diagnosis will help for the selection of the best treatment for lymphedema.
Fun Facts About Moldy Bread
It's a common occurrence: you buy a loaf of bread, only eat part of it with dinner, and put it in a bag to eat later. Then, you forget about it. When you remember it, you pull up the bag to find that it is covered in mold. Beyond the fact that you can't eat the bread, there are some fun facts about
Initial Signs of HIV - Reasons to learn them?
HIV now is probably essentially the most threatening STD that face men today.
A Short Look At The Negative Impact Of Obesity
It is rather common knowledge that obesity is a dangerous state for your overall health. The expenses to society in the US is shocking and approaches several hundred billion dollars every year. What appears to ...
The Statistics for Crohns Disease Patients, Treatment Costs & Appropriateness
According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a division of the US Department of Health and Human Services that accumulates and publishes the statistics for Crohns disease and other health problems, one in 500 people suffer from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), the
GERD Alternative - How to Cure Acid Reflux Naturally
What are the best tips for a GERD Alternative?Here are 5 tips that could help you cure acid reflux naturally.