Chickenpox - The childhood dismay

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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical

Tips For Teens With Diabetes

Diabetes is a struggle for anyone, but it can be especially difficult for teens who have it because it seems to conflict with a normal teen lifestyle at every turn. The best way to deal with it is to

Fatty Liver Complications - Important Facts to Remember

The liver is one the most vital organs that support almost all other organs in the body. Primarily functioning for metabolism, other significant roles of the liver includes detoxification, protein synthesis, and biochemical production that especially aids during digestion through generating bile.

Categorising critically ill patients by critical care nurses

Critical care nursing is the delivery of specialised care to critically ill patients or patients with the potential to become critically ill - that is, those who have or are susceptible to life-threatening illnesses or ...

Healthy and Fulfilling Life despite Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition in which your body cannot control the level of glucose (sugar) in your blood because (a) your pancreas (not kidneys) does not produce enough insulin or (b) your body cells are

How Yeast Infection Is Treated in Women

Given the fact that they are a risk group, yeast infection treatment for women has to be taken seriously. It is the first of many forays into understanding the way that the female body works. It might also help the doctor to use the correct prognosis when deciding how to deal with the condition.

Difficult Diagnoses - Lupus & The Great Imitators

Not every medical condition can be diagnosed at first sight. There are a handful of extremely serious diseases that present such a wide variety of symptoms that it can be nearly impossible to determine what a patient's painful, disabling condition really is. These diseases have earned the nickn

Cancer Survivors Could Be at a Higher Risk For Metabolic Syndrome

Recently I had a young man, who was an AML survivor, present with a triglyceride level of 5800. Usually, my first thought would be that there was a genetic abnormality leading to ineffective cholesterol metabolism. But, I was aware of breast cancer survivors being at risk for dyslipidemia and I bega

3 Amazing Natural Shingles Treatments

If you're currently suffering from Shingles right now, then using the proper natural Shingles treatments is essential to cure Shingles. If left untreated, you will continue to experience pain and the rash may get infected or lead to a further complication. In this article, I'm going to be

Diagnosis, Prevention and Medication Doses for Migraines

Some people experience restlessness resulting tough headache attacks. Such headaches may even recur and severe enough- they are called migraines. They are painful headaches that lead into pulsating and throbbing pain that comes mostly from ...

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a plague that has taken over the world. Acquired means that people can get infected, immunodeficiency means that it weakens the body's immunity and syndrome means that it causes ...

What is Gout and What Causes It?

Gout has been known for more than 2000 years. It can affect men of any age, but is much less common in women and then, apart from a few rare situations, only occurs after the menopause. The old saying

Metatarsal fractures in Elite Soccer Players

These days it seems that metatarsal fractures in elite soccer players occur more frequently than ever before. The article describes the aetiology of the metatarsal fracture and possible causes for the

Foods That Keep You Young

Most of the women in their thirties and older, use anti ageing cream to look younger, but they are not aware of the fact that it will only make their face look younger

Metabolic Syndrome – A Pre-Malignant Condition?

Metabolic syndrome, currently defined as a collection of symptoms rather than just one particular condition, is usually associated with later development of diabetes and heart disease. But cancer? It&

How to Choose the Perfect Pair of Eyeglasses?

Gone are the days when wearing glasses was not considered to be a unique fashion statement. In the previous days, glasses were used by individuals having major eyesight problems. In order to correct the vision, ...

4 Serious Side Effects of Constipation

When we think of constipation, familiar symptoms come to mind - stomach aches, nausea, bloating, abdominal pressure, and discomfort. Chronic constipation can also lead to some more serious health issues in some casesEUR. 1) Anal ...