Chickenpox - The childhood dismay

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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical

does vimax work

<h2>vimax pills</h2> When you take something, we always anticipate to see results. This is absolutely not restricted to drugs or medications only, but it covers many other things. Vimax is one of them. Vimax is ...

Multiple Sclerosis - A Central Nervous System Disease

Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system. It occurs when the immune system attacks the central nervous system, which leads to demyelination. A demyelination disease is a disease of the nervous system when

Complications Encountered By Asthmatics

Asthma is a respiratory condition that is basically identified as inflammation of the air passage. This results in obstruction of the movement of air and is evidenced through wheezing and shortness of breath. An asthmatic ...

Arrhythmias Information

An arrhythmia is any disorder of heart rate or heart rhythm, such as beating too fast (tachycardia), too slow (bradycardia), or irregularly. Arrhythmias are disorders of the regular rhythmic beating o

What is Sundowning in the Elderly?

Imagine an elderly parent, confused and exhibiting increasing symptoms of agitation, anxiety, perhaps crying, pacing, exit seeking, and/or paranoid hallucinations every night from dusk until the early

Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Treatments

Fibromyalgia is a disorder for which there is no known cause. It is believed to be a musculoskeletal syndrome that may be caused by either an injury or trauma to the central nervous system, or some form of viral infection that affects the nervous system. What is known is that the symptoms of fibromy

Preventing A Disease

There are three levels of prevention: primary level, secondary level, and tertiary level. The higher the level, the higher the gravity of condition that you have to apply each prevention level. But in this article, I would like to focus mostly on the primary level prevention because this is the most

Common Flu Symptoms and How to Manage Them

Before we talk about flu symptoms and how to manage them, let's first look at the difference between colds and flu. Common cold symptoms may include one or more of the following symptoms.

Learning to Manage Childhood Asthma

Childhood asthma can be a difficult condition to deal with. Young children that develop this disease may first notice that they have trouble breathing during certain physical activities. This will, of course, leave them scrambling ...

Bird Flu (H1N1 Virus) - Symptoms, Treatment and Breaking the Myths

No other virus has caused so much panic and apprehension in recent times as the H1N1 virus, better known as the "bird flu". The furor causes by AIDS and the Ebola virus did cause a sizable ripple in the news media but the H11 virus surpassed that because of the nature of the disease and th

What can radiation therapy cause?

Radiation, in its simplest term for a layman is a form of energy. There are two distinct types of radiation ionizing and non-ionizing. The term radiation is generally used for ionizing radiation only

Does Hypnosis Work For IBS?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a painful condition affecting twenty percent of the population. Hypnotherapy can relieve IBS symptoms in 70% to 80% of sufferers (and some people experience total relief of symptoms). Using this natural treatment, sufferers can successful treat and manage their IBS in jus

Yeast Intolerance Update

Yeast intolerance may not be a well known topic, yet the reality is that many people all over the world suffer from it. If there is an abnormal growth of the candida yeast fungi in their bodies, usually in the gastro intestinal, vaginal and mouth areas, they will experience discomfort and other symp

Drug Resistant Bacteria - A Matter of Grave Medical Concern

Health officials around the world have been worried as a new drug resistant super bug was discovered in at least three States of the United States of America. This infectious nightmare is unfolding and is frightening the wits out of the world scientist. A new gene has been discovered that can create

St Louis Neck Pain Treatments under a Chiropractor

A licensed and professional medical care specialist can help you get rid of returning through natural and non medical Back issues treatments through relaxation, exercise, application of heat pads or i

Is SSRI Treatment of Fibromyalgia My Only Option?

SSRI treatment of fibromyalgia is a common medical practice but can have some undesirable side-effects including sleep problems, anxiety reactions, headaches, nausea, and weight gain, to name a few. There is a natural alternative...