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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical
What High Cholesterol Blood Tests Mean & How to Help Prevent High Cholesterol
According to the American Heart Association (, in addition to the fact that one out of every two persons will die of heart disease, over 70 million Americans currently have some
Interstitial Cystitis Food Restrictions
Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a disorder characterized by chronic inflammation of the bladder wall. Its symptoms include painful urgent and frequent urination, discomfort during intercourse and pelvic pain.There is no known cure for interstitial cystitis, but patients can red
Finding An Effective Genital Warts Cure
If you're looking for a genital warts cure you will be in luck. If you have a genital HPV infection instead and you're looking for an HPV cure you might be in for some disappointment ...
Treatment Options For Crohn's Disease
Crohn's disease is an autoimmune disorder of the inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, family. With this disorder, the small intestine becomes irritated and inflamed, which can cause symptoms like unpredictable diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, and malnutrition. Sadly, Crohn's disease is incu
Obesity Causes Increased Risk Of Kidney Stones
Obesity is commonly defined as body mass index (BMI) of 30.0kg/m2 or higher. According to a study published in the Journal of Urology shows Obesity nearly doubles the risk of developing kidney stones.
Diagnosis of Swine Flu
The H1N1 virus, commonly referred to as swine flu, is a contagious disease commonly found in pigs; however, in March 2009 it began infecting humans. In June 2009, the World Health Organization declared the spread of swine flu a pandemic.
Acne On Back - Digging Into The Biggest Myth Concerning Back Acne
Acne on back is usually referred to as one of the foremost mysterious skin problems that you can ever have.It is widely known that acne on back may be a vastly ordinary but baffling skin ...
Stem Cell Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease
Many of us have experienced the devastating effects of Alzheimer's Disease; it is a disease that causes irreversible changes in the brain. The effects of Alzheimer's disease are not only felt by those who have been diagnosed with it, but also their families who are well aware of how their
12 Key Questions to Ask Your Doctor if You Have Heart Failure
Heart failure (HF) is the primary diagnosis in one million hospitalizations and costs the American health care system almost 30 billion dollars annually. It affects almost five million Americans and leads to about 300,000 deaths ...
Underarm - Night Hyperhidrosis - Toddler Body Odor
Underarm Night Hyperhidrosis Toddler Body Odor
What is Tennis Elbow-Learn How to Treat Tennis Elbow Yourself With Simple Exercises
Have you been suffering from tennis elbow and do not have a clue as to what is tennis elbow? Do you wish to know how to treat tennis elbow with simple physical exercises? Then this article may be just
Explaining Sciatic Nerve Pain
We often tend to ignore our neck and back ache considering it to be a common problem caused by our hectic life style. We think we will get well soon but it may be the starting point for a series of pr
Eliminate the Itch: Eczema Relief Information
Seeking out eczema treatment is something that a lot of eczema sufferers frequently search for. In the last few years eczema has become a lot more prevalent. Some individuals have a tough time treating their ...
How To Cure Back Pain
This probably isn't a surprise but it was reported that sedentary lifestyle is leading to an increasing incidence of lumbago or pain in the lower back, according to experts. Marking the World Health Day on ...
Exercises to Relieve Your Sciatica Symptoms
One treatment for sciatica pain is to strengthen your abdominal and back muscles through simple exercises. The stronger these muscles are, the less your spine has to carry the weight of most of your body. ...
Body odor causes
Does your child have a wet sock or locker room body smell? Normally kids need to begin using a deodorant when they are going through puberty, between the ages of 8 and 13 for girls, and ages 9 and 14
Stem Cell Treatment for Autism in India
Hardly a month goes, without publishing of the new development in the field of stem cells. Stem cell treatment for many degenerative conditions have been spotlighted as the medicine of the future.
Find the Vital Info About Toenail Fungus
Some subjects are best left to private places, and admittedly toenail fungus is one of those topics. What may be amazing is there are many people who acquire this unsightly fungal infection. Any fungus that ...
Understanding Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a heterogeneous group of conditions that leads to joint symptoms and signs associated with defective articular cartilage and changes to the underlying bone and joint margins, medical experts say. It is an ailment ...
I Have Gout - What Can I Eat?
Curing gout means changing your diet forever not just for a few weeks. It takes a conscious effort to stay away from the food which you know will spark that next gout attack.