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Food & Drink : Health & Medical

The Mediterranean Cuisine - The History of a Common Origin.

The origin of the Mediterranean Cuisine dates back to ancient Egypt, a civilization that developed between 3000 BC and fourth centuries A.D. This extraordinary culture was the first to promote an intensive and systematic cultivation ...

Why Wine Needs To Be Aerated

Opening a bottle of wine and allowing it to air is known as aeration. By allowing it to air, the tannins which are found in the delicious drink are broken down become less noticeable which makes it far more palatable to the average wine drinker.

How To Make A Walnut And Chicken Salad

If you want to make a healthy salad but don't have a lot of time, you might consider making a walnut and chicken salad. There's more to it than just walnuts and chicken, and it's ...

Find a Place for Your Spices in Your Kitchen

Everyone knows that spices can make a huge difference in terms of the food you cook and of the different range of aliments you choose for your meals. Given the fact that most of the people are passionate about spices, you should also know that there are a lot of places where you can find spices in a

Any Time Is Tea Time!

For the unattached, upwardly mobile urbanite, the maxim that "Anytime is tea time" may sound like the quaint relic of a by-gone era a time when there were full time home makers for whom tea time was the only social activity and tea making an art in which they reveled.

How to Refrigerate Turnip Greens

When refrigerating turnip greens, they need to be protected from moisture, which can facilitate mold growth and spoilage. The greens also need a way to breathe to keep them crisp and fresh. When stored properly, the greens last longer and have a fresher taste. For the best results, start with the fr

Sattva Steps: Calorie-Counting Restaurant in Zamalek

Restaurants in Cairo continue to emerge, aiming to bring new and exciting concepts to the dining scene. Recently opened in Zamalek, Sattva Steps revolves around the notion of clean, healthy eating, with the motto; Eat, ...

Wine Region Wedding Reception Venues That Host a Lot of People

Statistics have revealed that South Australia hosts around 8000 weddings annually, Tasmania hosts around 3000 annually, Darwin around 700, Canberra around 2000 and the remaining are mostly held in the larger cities such as Sydney, ...

The Serenity of Drinking Tea

I am not an England born person, but my mother was born in England. So for her the most important activity is making an excellent mug of tea. If you have used up lot of time to find the superior tea then you should find enough time to make the superior tea.

Turmeric Powder Makes Food Delicious and Tasty

Among the greatest foods across the globe, India has always ranked TOP, as it is called gourmets delight. Spices Mix in different flavors has formed a special category in food & cookery segment. Spices like ...

La Pavoni Europiccola Espresso Machine

If you really love your coffee, then this could be the coffee machine for you. The La Pavoni Europiccola lever type espresso maker is a speciality coffee machine, capable of making a wide range of ...

Coffee Roasts 101 - What Are You Drinking?

You're new to the world of coffee and you want to digest as much information as possible in the simplest way to consume. You've been drinking your father's Yuban for years and you just know there has to be something better out there. You want to buy good coffee, but you're not su

How to Make a Record Birthday Cake

No matter how many devices exist for playing music these days, nothing says music like the sight of an old-fashioned record on a record player. Bring back the days of music on vinyl when you make this easy birthday cake. Double your favorite two-layer recipe to make a portable player with a stack of

The Iconic Italian Fashion Designers

With the supremacy that Italy enjoys in the world of fashion, it is but natural that the iconic Italian fashion designers are considered to be the trendsetters by many fashion lovers. In fact, Italy is ...

Matcha Green Tea Benefits In Chocolate Truffles!

Chocolate truffles are one thing that you should try. From kids to adults, this confectionery has always been a favorite. How about combining the Matcha benefits with the goodness of the chocolate truffles? I bet ...

Choosing The Right Glass For Your Wine

Having the right wine glass is not just about being a wine connoisseur snob, it's actually got a lot to do with the wine and its flavours and aroma. While there are many variations of wine glasses, three are most commonly used. These are: red wine glasses, white wine glasses and champagne flute

Sandwich Recipes

There are many cookbooks and websites which teach the recipes of hundreds & thousand kinds of sandwiches but very few of those are really great. I selected only the best of them which I personally tried and found absolutely wonderful. Nirala Sandwich is one of those top recipes.

Mumbai Awaits That Truly Luxurious Hospitality Property!

Going by the increasingly large number of foreign tourists visiting Mumbai and the number of foreign investors eye the real estate space here to build luxury hotels, Mumbai is likely to become the next hub ...