How Fruit Can Reduce Your Cholesterol Levels

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Heart Diseases : Health & Medical

Benefits of an Angiogram

When someone is showing the symptoms of coronary heart disease a coronary angiogram or cardiac catheterisation as it's also known may well be arranged. The procedure is useful in showing how efficiently the heart is pumping, how the blood flow is, and if there is any narrowing of the coronary a

Stomach Bug May Harm Heart

A common bacterial infection implicated in the majority of stomach ulcers may also harm the heart, according to a new study that links H. pylori to the development of an irregular heartbeat.

The Four Best Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol

We always hear about high cholesterol, but how do we know what to do about it (besides eating Cheerios, which we know is probably a sure-fire answer)? When do we even know we need to do something about it, and why should we want lower cholesterol in the first place?

Echocardiography Guided Enoxaparin Antithrombotic Strategy

Patients with atrial fibrillation more than 2 days' duration for whom immediate cardioversion is desired or required are commonly hospitalized for 4 or more days of antithrombotic therapy with intravenous unfractionated heparin and commencement of oral warfarin.

Understanding and Lowering Your Cholesterol

Lowering your cholesterol is necessary for good heart health. Diet, prescription meds, exercise and lifestyle changes can all contribute to lowering your cholesterol.

You Are Your Own Healer

Like a dynamo, the heart is capable of feeding healthful energy into the body. Chronically negative people, those who are angry, depressed, guilt-ridden, anxious or hateful, prevent their own healing by disordering and blocking their heart waves. This greatly reduces the heart's energy producti

What Is Atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis -- or hardening of the arteries -- is the leading cause of heart attacks, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. Find out more.

Fish Oil Benefits of Salmon

The fish oil benefits found in salmon also known as Omega 3's, a "good fat" that reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and more, is a key ingredient to overall health. Salmon's fish oil health benefits range from strengthening your muscles and heart to reducing your chances

Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure - Diagnosis

The symptoms of congestive heart failure vary because one side of the heart is usually affected before the other. The blood may be thought of as following a continuous path around the body, and if obstruction to the onward flow occurs at any point, there will be congestion behind it, hence congestiv

Hybrid Aortic Arch Replacement

Hybrid arch techniques provide a safe alternative to open repair with acceptable short- and mid-term results, but what about stroke and mortality rates?

Heart Disease - Reduce Your Risk

Are you either related to someone or at least know someone who has had health complications due to heart problems?There is no age limit since many people have complications and even die of heart disease in their 40s and 50s.We usually know what we should do, but are you doing it?Follow these tips to

Cardiac Catheterization

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of cardiac catheterization including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Heart Attack Prevention

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of preventing heart attacks including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.