How Fruit Can Reduce Your Cholesterol Levels

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Heart Diseases : Health & Medical

Things to Know About High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure strikes without warning, and you only about it if you get a blood pressure reading. Often the damage is done before you notice it, then you have to take steps to avoid further damage to your heart, kidneys, and other organs. However, you could avoid the worse if you follow the di

Avoid the Risk of Heart Disease, Choose a Healthy Heart Diet

A healthy heart diet is a term used today to promote eating foods that are low in cholesterol, low in sodium, and low in saturated fats. By participating in a diet good for the heart you are greatly reducing the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure as well as host of other disorders.

Heart Block, Congenital

Important It is possible that the main title of the report Heart Block, Congenital is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report. ...

Low Cholesterol Diet Plan

A low cholesterol diet plan requires that you eat foods low in cholesterol in order to keep your levels low. Do you know what happens when you reduce your consumption of cholesterol foods? Many adults end up with a reduced level of vitamin D in the body. This vitamin is mostly found in foods high in

The Amazing Device That Measures Your Heart Beat - The SECA ECG

So what is an electrocardiogram (SECA ECG or EKG, shortened from the German Elektrokardiogramm)? It is a visual graphic produced by an electrocardiogram machine, which prints onto a piece of scaled tape the electrical signals of the heart recorded from the time the equipment is attached. Electro, wh

Nitric Oxide: A Hero of the Human Heart

A few extra minutes on the treadmill could be more beneficial than you think. A longer workout means more production of nitric oxide (NO) -- an enzyme that could save you from heart disease among other problems.

How to Detect Women's Heart Disease

For many women, the signs of heart disease are not outwardly visible, at least not immediately. When the heart muscle is damaged in some way, this makes it harder for the heart to pump blood. And when the damage affects the heart's electrical system, it is called an "arrhythmia," which makes it more

Affordable Chelation Therapy

The jury is out on the use of intravenous chelation therapy, but there is an exciting alternative in the form of advanced oral chelation, and this is worth investigating further. It claims to scour the plaque from your veins, and that is an exciting prospect.

Understanding A Defibrillator Implant

A defibrillator implant is a tiny device that's placed in a person's heart to detect abnormal heartbeats. Generally those who get defibrillator implants have also had heart attacks. For example, Vice President Dick Cheney had a defibrillator placed in his chest after he had a heart attack.

Flavonoid and LDL Review

LDLs (low-density lipoproteins) carry cholesterol through the bloodstream to locations where it may be used or stored. Free radicals are charged molecules that are the result of body processes such as breathing and digestion. When free radicals meet LDLs they may easily bond with them oxidizing the

Foods That Lower Cholesterol - 3 Healthy Choices and a Bonus Tip

High cholesterol foods can have a detrimental affect on your health! Cholesterol can destroy your life if you are not careful! You are at an increased risk of heart attacks, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and strokes if you do not get help! You can make changes to your life if you are