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Infectious Diseases : Health & Medical

Using DNA Microarrays

Complete genomic sequences of microbial pathogens and hosts offer sophisticated new strategies for studying host-pathogen interactions.

Signs & Symptoms of MRSA

MRSA is the acronym for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is an infection caused by the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria that is also known as staph. MRSA is a strain of the staph bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics commonly used to treat it. MRSA infections can sometimes be fatal.

Natural Way to Control Candida Yeast

Candida yeast is a naturally occurring fungus found in the body. It exists in the gut, along with beneficial bacteria. When the balance between yeast and good bacteria becomes out of balance, the yeast takes over and grows out of control. This can cause a host of problems in the body. With some diet

Mosquitoes and Financial Crisis

Lisa Maragakis, MD, MPH, discusses in her video blog a link between an outbreak of human West Nile virus and standing water at foreclosed homes in the area.

Advantages of Ophthalmic Dosage Forms

Ophthalmic preparations help administer drugs in case of conditions that affect the eye or its immediate surrounding area. These products are available in several different types of dosage forms such as ophthalmic solutions, suspensions and gels. Whatever the type of formulation, all ophthalmic dosa

Is It Safe to Eat Raw Fish?

What are the infectious disease risks associated with eating sushi? Read about parasites and other microbial infections associated with raw or undercooked fish.

Endogenous Avian Leukosis Virus

The identification of endogenous ALV and EAV in chick cell-derived measles and mumps vaccines has raised concern about transmission to vaccine recipients.

Surgical Staph Infections

Staphylococcus aureus is the bacteria responsible for most minor skin infections, however, some of them can become serious. MRSA is a type of staph infection that is resistant to antibiotics. MRSA is also the type of staph infection most commonly contracted in a hospital setting. If MRSA enters the