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Infectious Diseases : Health & Medical

HIV-1 Group O Infection in Cameroon, 1986 to 1998

HIV-1 group O (HIV-1/O) was first identified in Cameroon in 1994 (1), raising concern about the emergence of a new HIV-1 variant, with implications for public health and blood safety.

Buruli Ulcer in Ghana

The case search demonstrated widespread disease and gross underreporting.

Traveling Infections

Infections travel by their very nature. Find out more about infections that once seemed very far away

Castor Oil & Staph Infections

Orally ingested castor oil is known in folk medicine as a tonic for constipation and other digestive problems. Some parents would give their children castor oil the minute the child got sick, not even knowing how and why the healing process took place in the child's body. Parents knew only that cast

Fast Fingernail Fungus Treatment

Fungus enters the fingernail or toenail through the adjoining skin, causing the nail to become discolored, brittle or thick. Getting rid of a fungal infection of the nail is difficult. Numerous remedies are touted, including alternative treatments and over-the-counter creams and ointments, but their

Contrasting Pediatric and Adult MRSA Isolates

Colonization by and Infection with MRSA in children and adults who have little or no contact with the healthcare system, have been reported with increasing frequency.

Mosquitoes & Viral Meningitis

Viral meningitis is defined as an infection of the fluid in the spinal cord and the brain. According to the Department of Health Promotion and Education (DPHE), viral meningitis is common but not serious most of the time. You can contract the virus from mosquitoes.

At What Point Is Pinkeye Not Contagious?

Pink eye is an infection of the eyes that makes them watery and a pinkish color. The viral and bacterial forms are contagious, and many schools will not allow children that have pink eye, for fear of it spreading throughout the school. Although most often found in children, adults are still suscepti