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Lose Weight : Health & Medical

How Many Calories Do I Need Per Day?

How Do I Calculate Caloric Needs Based On My Goal (gain/loss/maintain)? Listen, figuring out how many calories a day you need to lose weight, maintain your weight or gain weight really isn't too hard. And with the formula I'm about to give you plus a very cool website, you can easily track

Passed Away and It's Named After

It's not there was actually a doctor named doctor Fredric most have since passed away and it's named after him who invented the technique of above most surgery which is basically it's a process where ...

Prescription Weight Loss Pills - All You Need to Know About Them

This article describes the use of weight loss pills in one's attempt to lose weight. Quite surprisingly, many studies have shown that weight loss pills alone cannot help a person lose weight effectively. It must be followed by a good diet regime and frequent exercise.

A Fad Free Weight Loss Diet

Since everybody around is so eager to lose weight, there are hundreds of fads and gimmicks which are being offered to people who want to lose weight. The point is that most of these diets are mere fads and gimmicks, while others are plain scams. Before setting out on a diet remember that a diet whic

Some Great Weight Loss Foods

When you think of food, you most likely think about foods that are a joy to eat. Most people's favorite foods revolve around gourmet dishes such as shrimp alfredo, pizza's, soups, salads, etc. Unfortunately, not everything we eat is good for us. Even certain salads carry a high fat content

Hoodia Is Considered A Natural Appetite Suppressant

As more people get serious about losing weight, many find themselves turning to natural supplements to assist them along the way. One of the latest and most popular entries in the weight loss craze is ...

Natural Weight Loss Supplements

Weight loss is an important issue in today's world with the increasing number of leaning to obesity. Obesity is linked to a number of diseases and in certain circumstances can even prove fatal. In order to be on the safe side immediate action is required.

Rid Man Boobs - Try These Proven Techniques

Man boobs are extremely embarrassing and many men go to great lengths to get rid of them. This article will highlight some of the proven techniques out there than you can try in order to rid man boobs. One solution you can try is to use man boob reduction pills.

Why The Whole Starvation Diet Never Ever Gets Results

Most people automatically assume that drastic calorie reduction is the ideal way to burn fat. The truth is that you can shed some weight simply thanks to eating less calories. That tactic sounds like it ...

Weight Loss Options - Boost Your Metabolic Rate

There are many reasons why it is more difficult to lose weight as you age.Your metabolic rate is one of them.Boost your metabolic rate and you may lose weight more easily.

How to Heal Piercings Faster

Getting a piercing is an exciting fashion statement and a major responsibility. Getting your skin pierced by a licensed facility isn't difficult, but the post-piercing care necessary for fast healing requires a bit more commitment. Even with the most diligent healing-related care, different body par

Losing 15 Pounds in 15 Days - How to Achieve the Impossible

You got a special office party 15 days from now to celebrate 5 years of success. You had been all invited to an all expense paid trip to a 5 star resort hotel. The attire: beach wear. Poor you! Those pounds you accumulated during the yuletide season are still hanging around your 5 feet 4inches fame.

Understanding Food Labels for Fat Loss

Thank God for food labels. Without them we really would be guessing. That said, many people still are guessing because they're either not reading food labels or not fully grasping what the food labels are telling them.

Effective Diets to Lose Weight Fast - Effective Diets That Work

We all want to look good. So many of us are concerned about our weight and our appearance. It gives us more confidence, which ultimately helps us in our careers and relationships. We will be at a loss if we cannot find effective diets to lose weight fast and effective diets that work even after we s

The Best Reason To Care About Losing Weight

When it comes to losing weight fast, crash diets really do work, but come with a price. People who would never dream of harming themselves by smoking cigarettes will eagerly embark on a starvation diet plan that features practically no real food, and which can leave them feeling weak, shaky, and nut

The Paradox That Is Not - Fat, Knowledge and Pre-Concieved Ideas

Some researchers are puzzled: the average American has much higher knowledge of the caloric and fat content of the food he/she eats and the average French has no clue... And could not care less. Is it that knowledge is not enough to give "good eating habits"? Or is it something else? What