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Neurological Conditions : Health & Medical

Epilepsy Health Center Guide

Epilepsy is the occurrence of sporadic electrical storms in the brain that lead to various behavioral and/or movement manifestations (e.g. grand mal seizures). There are several types of epilepsy, each with different causes, symptoms and treatments. Find in-depth epilepsy information at the WebMD Ep

Could Alzheimer's Disease Start in Childhood?

Dementia that occurs later in life, like Alzheimer's disease, may show up far earlier in the form of slightly reduced mental ability, according to Scottish researchers, whose study is published in the Nov. 28, 2000 issue of the journal Neurology. But, other experts debate their conclusions.

Seizure Definition

Seizure is a sudden onset or occurrence of a disease. The many types of seizures result from imbalanced electrical charges affecting either both sides of the brain or one area of the brain. In young children, febrile seizures result from high fevers over 102 F. Seizures manifest as varying degrees a

Mitochondrial Causes of Epilepsy

In this review, learn how to recognize and treat the various mitochondrial disorders in which seizures are an important component.

Clinical Trials for ADHD

Clinical trials are research programs which test new treatments for ADHD. WebMD helps you understand how they work.

Handling Bad Behavior in a Child With Epilepsy

Treating your child differently because he has epilepsy? Kids -- even those who have seizures -- need to meet the same expectations as your other children. WebMD offers suggestions for dealing with behavioral challenges at home.

Neuronal Correlates of Social Cognition in BPD

Utilizing fMRI, this study investigated the neuronal basis of stages of social cognition, such as face processing and emotion recognition, in patients with borderline personality disorder.

Antipsychotic Drugs for Alzheimer's?

The antipsychotic drugs Zyprexa, Seroquel, and Risperdal may help some Alzheimer's patients, but their side effects should be carefully weighed, a new study shows.

Multiple Sclerosis Exercises - Can Multiple Sclerosis Exercises Help?

Depending on the severity of multiple sclerosis, exercises can mean different things to different people. Very recently I attended a number of sessions of physiotherapy. My initial reaction was that the exercises were much too gentle and would not have any effect nor make any improvement on my balan

How to Repair Nerve Damage

Injuries such as burns or broken bones cause nerve damage. Sometimes high blood pressure and diabetes, if left untreated, cause nerve damage throughout the body. Symptoms of nerve damage include pain or tingling in the affected area, weakness and numbness. If the nerves are damaged in organs or bodi

Do Cell Phones 'Excite' Your Brain?

Talking on a cell phone excites the brain, Italian researchers find -- but they don't yet know whether this is good or bad.

Deep Brain Stimulation

This overview of deep brain stimulation explores its current and investigational use across a wide spectrum of neurological and psychiatric disorders.

What Is the Function of the Sciatic Nerve?

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and runs from the lower portion of the spine, through the buttocks and down into the thigh and lower leg. It is responsible for feeling and movement in the major muscles of the hamstring, lower leg, and foot. Sciatica, a disorder caused by irritat