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Neurological Conditions : Health & Medical
Alzheimer's-Like Plaque Seen on Brain Scans After Head Trauma
But researchers don't know if these so-called 'amyloid deposits' persist long-term
ADHD Hyperactive-Impulsive Type: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
WebMD explains the hyperactive-impulsive type of ADHD, including symptoms, treatment, and how it differs from the inattentive type of ADHD.
Cerebral Palsy: Early Signs-Topic Overview
Parents and caregivers are often the first to notice signs of cerebral palsy in a child. Typically,parents suspect a problem when their baby does not reach developmental milestones at predictable times. Early signs of developmental delays possibly related to cerebral palsy Age Developmental delay 3
Resources for Essential Tremor
WebMD provides a list of resources which can help answer questions about essential tremors and other movement disorders.
FDA Vetoes Tighter 'Mad Cow' Blood Restrictions
After weighing the pros and cons of further tightening U.S. blood donation restrictions to combat the spread of new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), the human version of 'mad cow disease,' an advisory panel to the FDA voted overwhelmingly to keep t
Surgery for Tethered Cord Syndrome
Tethered cord syndrome is typically associated with spina bifida. It is a neurological disorder in which tissues around the spinal cord interfere with the movement and development of the spinal cord. Possible symptoms of tethered cord syndrome include spine curvature, leg numbness, leg deformities a
emotion, motivation, amygdala, ventral tegmental area, feelings
You don’t have to be a neuroscientist to understand the importance of emotions to our everyday life. Much of our everyday life is driven by emotions—we pursue what we think we will find rewarding and try to avoid what will make us unhappy. These feelings depend on interwoven networks in
Medical Marijuana May Impair Thinking of MS Patients
MS patients in a small study who smoked or ingested marijuana regularly for many years were twice as likely as non-users to show significant evidence of cognitive impairment when subjected to a battery of tests that measure thinking skills.
Stiff Person Syndrome
This review focuses on the pathophysiology and natural history of stiff man syndrome, a rare and often misdiagnosed neuromuscular disease. Is it autoimmune in nature?
Multiple Sclerosis - Alternative Medicine That Works
Although conventional medicine offers next to nothing in the way of even a treatment for multiple sclerosis, alternative medicine most definitely does. Discover four of the best options for healing MS naturally.
Neurologic Disease in HIV-HTLV Coinfection
A case series reveals the neurologic sequelae of this coinfection and the failure of HAART to mitigate these outcomes.
Role of Patient History and Physical Examination in the
The author presents a simple scheme with which to arrive at the diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia.
Basal Ganglia & Injury
The basal ganglia are deep structures of the brain that guide several key body functions, including the initiation and control of everyday movements. Injuries to the basal ganglia have a number of common effects.
Can Celery Help Cut Brain Inflammation?
A compound found in celery and green peppers may help protect against inflammatory brain conditions.
Identification of Toxic Neuropathies: Cardinal Tenets
What are systemic signs of toxin intoxication? Learn about the diagnosis and management of toxic neuropathy.
Chronic Pain Treatment With Opioid Analgesics
Do the benefits of opioid therapy outweigh the risks for patients with chronic, non-cancer related pain?
Fish Oil No Help Once Alzheimer's Starts
Even if begun at the earliest signs of Alzheimer's disease, the fish-oil supplement DHA doesn't slow the relentless progress of the illness, a clinical trial finds.
Another Win for Aspirin in Stroke?
A study presented at this year's International Stroke Conference Annual Meeting compares monotherapy and polytherapy in patients with small subcortical strokes.
Dementia Symptoms: A Caregiver’s Guide
As a caregiver to someone with dementia, you know what it’s like to deal with the symptoms. Here’s what it’s like to experience them.
Cell Phones and Cancer: Is There a Connection?
Medscape interviews Dr. Nora Volkow on the WHO's recent classification of cell phones as "possibly carcinogenic" as well as on her own research exploring the effects of cell phone use on the brain.