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Neurological Conditions : Health & Medical

3 Very Fatal Prion Diseases

All prion diseases are thought to be rare, but most cases that do appear are instances of Creutzfeldt-Jakob. Many people don't know that other forms of prion disease exist, but these rare forms of prion diseases are equally interesting and unsettling.

Benign Sacral Tumors

The sacral compartment contains two distinct tissues from which primary sacral tumors may arise: bone and neural elements.

Glomus Jugulare Tumors With Intracranial Extension

Glomus tumors are the second most common neurootological tumor after acoustic neuromas. The surgical management of these tumors has evolved in conjunction with the evolution of the specialty of skull base surgery.

New Approaches to Bedside Monitoring in Stroke

The latest advances in bedside stroke monitoring -- including noninvasive techniques of ICP monitoring, near-infrared spectroscopy, and transcranial Doppler -- are improving outcomes for stroke patients.

A Diagnosis of MS Does Not Have to Mean Disability

Many people diagnosed with MS wonder what it will mean for them. This article reviews some of the types of MS and a bit about MS and the Social Security Administrations considerations for disability.

New Epilepsy Drug Helps Toughest Cases

A new drug may help prevent seizures in children and young adults with epilepsy even after other treatments have become ineffective. Adding Keppra to conventional anti-epileptic medications can reduce seizure frequency by more than 80%.

Study: Many With ADHD Can’t Control Emotions

More than half of people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) also have trouble regulating their emotions, and that difficulty may be passed through families, a new study shows.

Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

Important It is possible that the main title of the report Wernicke - Korsakoff Syndrome is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report. ...

MS and Your Sex Life

Tips for people with multiple sclerosis on how to keep up a satisfying sex life.

Rare Primary Headaches

A brief primer on the presentation, pathophysiology, and treatment options of rare headache disorders, including nummular and hypnic headaches and headache associated with cold, exercise, or sex.