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Health News & Knowledge : Health & Medical

About Types of the Hernia and Procedures to Treat it

It was seen that although a hernia can appear in almost any part of the body, the muscles of the abdominal wall are more often affected. To describe a hernia, we can say it is an abnormalbulging out o

Raw diet: weight loss plan

Changing to a raw food diet means that you eat seventy five percent of foods in their raw state. Going on a raw diet means that you will have to take in fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, seeds an

Rhinoplasty - If You Want A Pretty Nose

The patients, who consult with a physician about the benefits and risks of rhinoplasty, all hold in their minds different images of a pretty nose. Each has a unique vision of how a nose can be reshape

Phychological Causes

Stress and strain, loss of memory, death of the nearest and dearest, living in unwholesome surroundings and in-take of unwholesome diet, negative thinking, emotion, fear, greediness and discontentment

Causes And Remedies Of Bad Breath

Halitosis or Bad breath is an embarrassing problem that is commonly seen in a number of people globally. It is a condition that can be treated effectively as long as the cause of the bad breath is add

Effective Age Related Macular Degeneration Treatment

Finding effective age related macular degeneration treatment is an ongoing process. The disease, also called ARMD, comes in two different forms: dry (which is the less severe form and more common) and

Aerobic Training For Everyone

Fitness in general includes both aerobic and anaerobic aspects. According to the priorities of the sportsman, one or the other of the two aspects will be emphasized, but the second one will not be neg

Ab Workouts Without Equipment

An article about how to perform effective ab workouts without equipment. Includes tips on how to increase the difficulty of bodyweight exercises and using household items as props.

Poor Man's Guide To Eating Healthy

If you have very little money to spend on healthy foods because of the price,then you will find this advice to be just what you need for eating healthy with little money.

Get some Holistic healing at Healthwise

More and more, patients seeking to restore and improve their health are looking towards holistic methods of treatment. It was from this need that the Healthwise clinics were born.

The Bad Side of Eyelid Surgery

In 2005, blepharoplasty or cosmetic eyelid surgery was listed as the third most popular surgical procedure among men and women by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). Over 230,0