Medical Causes of Bladder & Urethra Pain

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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical

Shin Splint Stretches - Top Three Shin Splint Stretches to Stop Your Pain

If you're currently suffering from shin splints, it's important to start making an effort to perform shin splint stretches on a regular basis. This will go a long way towards helping relax the muscles surrounding the ligaments and bone and reduce the pain you experience. Also, it will impr

Five Simple Solutions For Back Pain Relief

Back Pain is a Very Common condition that affects most people you know. Fifty percent of working Americans experience back pain and is one of the most common reasons for missing work. With alarming statistics like these, there is a real need to educate people on a few simple ways to relieve and prev

Inflammation - What a Pain!

Did you know that back pain is the second most common reason for missing work? Most of these complaints will be due to back strains or sprains. A back muscle strain occurs when the muscle fibers are stretched or torn. A back sprain occurs when the ligaments are torn from their attachments. Both lumb

How To Reduce Back Pain

There are a number of ways that we can reduce back pain in our day-to-day activities. Most people do not realize it, but we all have harmful habits that can contribute to us developing a problematic back. By educating ourselves in what are the best ways to keep our bodies healthy, such as learning h

There Is No Holy Grail In Dealing With Back Arthritis

The question of how to deal with arthritis in the back is not an easy one. Arthritis in the back comes from numerous potential causes most of which stem from degeneration of the intervertebral disk. Once the disk starts to dehydrate and degenerate, then ensuing arthritic changes occur in that level

Natural Pain Relief Remedies

Millions of people suffer from pain every day and do not wish to subject their body to the harmful effects of taking medication on a daily basis. Taking medication such as ibuprofen can cause nausea, stomach aches and do damage to internal organs such as the kidney and liver, so many people are choo

Make Your Back Pain History With Dorn Spinal Therapy

Is your back still in pain although you have tried everything from treatments to exercises to life style changes? Nothing is giving you that desired long term effect that will give you back the life you you desire? There is hope - a new treatment called Dorn Spinal Therapy can give you a fast, gentl

Pain Relief Medications - A Blessing, A Curse Or Some Of Both?

Drugs and medications abound in today's world treating almost every imaginable ailment, pain and disease. Some save lives and extend life expectancy as in the cases of high blood pressure, heart conditions and diabetes medications. Other medications improve quality of life for an individual suf

Chiropractor After a Car Accident

Getting into a car accident is something most of us will experience in our lifetime. When the unfortunate happens, a chiropractor can get you back on the straight and narrow.


Myelograms are diagnostic imaging tests that help reveal the cause of chronic back pain. Here is a short definition of myelogram.

Chiropractic Controversy

Chiropractic not to long ago had been viewed as controversial, fringe medicine. Traditional medical practitioners thought of chiropractors as hacks and never revered chiropractic as medicine at all. Chiropractors struggled for years to prove their science to the patients and moreover to their medica

Treatment for Radiculopathy

There is perhaps no more difficult an ailment to discuss than pain that radiates down toward the arm or leg. If it is caused by a 'pinched nerve' then the chiropractic physician wants to un-impinge it...the orthopaedists wants you to see the physical therapist, the neuro or ortho surgeon w

Breast Pain and Relief

Breast pain can be caused by several factors, including fibrocystic breast disease, which is a benign condition, but which results in lumpy, sensitive breasts; cyclic causes, such as your menstrual period or menopause, or non-cyclic causes, such as trauma (injury) to the breast or breast cysts or br

Spinal Fusion

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of spinal fusion including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Lower Back Pain - Common Causes of Lumbar Pain

It is important to understand the causes of lower back pain so as to administer optimal treatment for the management of this pain. The lower back plays various important roles in our day to day activities and therefore injury to the lower back would result in limitations to many of our daily activit

Treat Your Back Pain From the Inside Out!

All too often we know what it is like to "throw our backs out" or find ourselves with a "flair-up" of that old injury. Many of us have experienced when we have had to cough, sneeze or bend down to pick up the newspaper and "wham" it hits us "out of the blue."

Back Pain: Overview & Facts

Back pain may be mild or extreme, quick or constant. What raises your risk -- and what can you do about it? Learn about back pain’s causes, risks, and prevention.