Hand Games for a One Year Old Baby

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Parenting : Health & Medical

Child Support Agency Advice

All children deserve to be loved and cared in all ways and parents hold the duty to love them and support their children financially to cover their living and medical expenses.

Stop and See How a Shopping Cart Cover Works

Have you ever thought about using a shopping cart cover for your baby when you are in the store shopping for groceries? You might want to consider it for the safety and protection of your child from t

Excess Sweet Drinks Put Kids at Risk

Drinking lots of soda and juice drinks may put kids' health at risk -- leading to poor health and teen obesity as young as age 13, a U.S. study shows.

7 Features The Best Infant Monitor Should Have

Information on what to look for as features of the best infant monitor and how the baby monitor should function. Looking and buying the right baby monitor should not be a headache if you know what to look for.

Parents Need to Be True to Themselves

Who's That In The Mirror? It's Certainly Not Me. When I was a younger person, I felt the spirit of mindfulness to some degree but never delved deeper in search of the true essence of who I really was. By mindfulness, I mean the ability to see with clarity the understanding of self and othe

How to Teach the Christian Bible to Young Children

King Solomon, the wisest king in Israel's history once said, "Instruct a child in the way he should go and when he grows old he will never leave it." Teaching children the truths and commandments of the Christian Bible is essential to their future. With the modern world indoctrinating children with

Play Kitchen Sets - Making Everyday Life Fun

Every child knows the meaning of fun more than anything else in life. If you ask them to get dressed they would rather run around your room and ask you to chase them. One thing you can use to focus their concentration is one of the many play kitchen sets that are on the market.

Treat the Ones You Love Lovingly

Why do we, at times, treat strangers nicer than we treat our loved ones?We tend to find a comfort zone and can occasionally forget to make the extra effort to treat our loved ones as they deserve.

Baby Skin Care Tips For Parents

A lovely, soft cuddly child is every parents dream. Everyone likes to touch the newborn's skin yet we sometimes tend to forget that baby skin is very sensitive and delicate. A new born is very ...

Today's Parents Need a Balance in the Roots and Wings They Give Children

Parents in today's world need to balance the roots and wings they give their children. We live in a time of abundant possibilities with children who are more insightful than any previous generation and parents who have more resources than ever before. Children need support from their parents, t

Why Is Honey Unsafe for Babies?

Current parents (and expectant parents-to-be) hear not to give honey to babies under a year old all over the place, from their own parents, doctors, and people just trying to be helpful. Since honey is touted as being such a wholesome substance for adults and older children, what is it, exactly, tha

Baby Play Yard and Playpen Tips For Weary Moms

As any parent of a mobile baby knows, keeping your little one safe once he's on the go is quite the chore. All it takes is a moment with your back turned for baby to get in to trouble. Short of hovering over your little one constantly, what is a parent of a toddler to do? In this article, we&ap

Are We Inadvertently Crippling Our Children?

In our desire to help educate our children -- are we inadvertently exposing them to a practice that may see them suffering in their future? Surely, as parents, we must do everything we can to stop this. What price the health and well being of our children?

Use of a Baby Walker in Your Baby’S Life

Toddlerhood days of a baby are cherished by parents. Since we live in a child centric society, we often find 7 out 10 parents keep their baby's childhood memories safe by treasuring their baby gear ...

How to Make a Baby Sling Carrier

Babies are life's most precious gifts, little packages of love and joy. However they are also a lot of work and with the constant holding and moving around your arms are sure to get tired. Plus when you have to hold a baby in your arms you cannot use them to multitask, thus there are baby slings tha