Hand Games for a One Year Old Baby

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Parenting : Health & Medical

WebMD's 10 Top Health Stories of 2007

Recalled toys, unsafe food, bad bugs, a new stem cell source, and an over-the-counter weight loss drug top WebMD's 10 top stories of 2007.

Breastfeeding Comfortably

Breastfeeding comfortably can be a challenge, especially for new moms, or moms who have never successfully nursed before. Contrary to popular belief, nursing should not be painful, and if it is, there is a problem. The key to breastfeeding comfortably is all in the latch. A good latch should not be

How to Decorate With Wall Shelves for Preschool Children's Classrooms

The decor of a classroom can transform the space into a welcoming and inviting place where children feel comfortable. For preschool-aged children who are making the transition from the home setting to the school setting, a welcoming classroom decor is particularly important. If you have wall shelves

Disciplining Your Child Through Positive Reinforcements

Being a parent has great responsibilities. It is not all about the pleasures of life because it also includes some difficulties that cannot be solved in a split of a second. As a good parent to your child, you must learn how to balance things between work and family. Time is a very crucial factor in

Fun Ideas For Playgroup Activities

There are numerous definitions for playgroups. The dictionary defines a playgroup as a place for children not currently eligible for a formal education in elementary. In Singapore, it is a place where children can socialize and have fun. It is where kids can play and exercise with other children, un

Letter to a Three-Year Old Toddler

Dear Son, You just turned three, and as usual, mommy gets into the senti mode every time we celebrate your birthday. It seems so yesterday when I labored for almost seven hours, when I gave birth to you, when I didn't know how to hold you because you were so small and I was afraid that I might

Setting Up the Nursery

Learn how to set up a functional and developmentally challenging nursery with preschool toys. An activity table encourages fine motor skills, pulling up, and more.

Wardrobe, Teen Drinking Linked?

Is teen drinking more common among teens who own clothes, hats, or other gear bearing the names of alcohol brands?

Baby Shower Invitation to Match Your Theme

Having a good theme for your baby shower can make all the difference and set it aside from many other parties. If you know the theme in advance, it will help with your decorations and general planning.

Shop Online for Discounts Thanks to Baby Clothes Retailers

Whether you're an expecting parent, a new parent, or a family member or a friend of one, then you need to know the best way to save big on the items you need. Today, you can enjoy amazing discounts by shopping online for reseller baby clothes. Basically, you'll be getting high quality whol

Creating and Using Flash Cards to Teach Your Baby to Read

Once you have decided what words you would like to begin teaching your baby, you can start making your cards. Let's say you choose to start with body parts. Get your card stock, no smaller than 5x8 inches, and in red or black marker, in lowercase letters, write the word head on your card. Be su

The History of Irish Baby Names

Irish baby names are one of the most popular categories of baby names searched by expectant parents when they are trying to decide on a name.

Instructions for Swaddling a Baby

Babies are creatures of habit and need a routine that makes them feel safe and comfortable. Swaddling a baby is a common technique to help soothe a fussy infant or aid a little one in sleeping. Learning how to correctly swaddle a baby is important because an improper swaddle can lead to suffocation

Overcoming Potty Training Resistance

Resistance is an act of resisting cooperation with someone to do something like duties and responsibilities. This does not occur with adults only but also with children. Resistance caused by children

Are Google Work-at-Home Jobs Legit?

Google jobs found in email and on the Internet and in emails are not likely legit. However, there are a few jobs from home working for Google, but the Google work at home kits and other Google job opportunities are most likely work-at-home scams.

How to Find the Best Baby Car Seat for Your Baby

As soon as you find out you are pregnant or are due in few months, first thought comes to mind is your baby's safety and comfort. Among the first few things you should consider, infant car seats are one of the important points you should pay special attention to. The baby is going to spend firs

Wallpapered Window Cornice Board - Directions

An inexpensive window treatment you can make yourself. Detailed instructions and pictures of a homemade cornice board for your windows. Here are the directions to build your own cornice board.