Abortion Explained In Layman"s Terms

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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

The human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) test is done to measure the amount of the hormone hCG in blood or urine to see whether a woman is pregnant.

Diagnosing Chromosome Disorders with Amniocentesis

Amniocentesis is an invasive prenatal test that doctors use during the second or third trimester of pregnancy to gather information about the developing baby's health. The amniocentesis can diagnose serious chromosome disorders with better than 99% accuracy.

Healthy Snacking During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, especially near the second trimester, you will probably find that your appetite is growing and you may want to snack on a lot of smaller meals throughout the day and throw your typical food schedule out the window. While it may be tempting to use the excuse that you're ea

Pregnancy - Proper Diet For Pregnancy

Before you conceive a baby, you MUST firstly ensure that your body is in a very healthy condition so that you can fully support the pregnancy for about nine months. To build up a healthy body, your proper diet is very important before, during and after your pregnancy. The food that we eat daily prov

Gaining Weight During Pregnancy

One thing women battle every single day is their weight. One day your pants are so tight you feel like you can't breathe and then the next day those same pants feel like they will fall down without a belt. When you become pregnant you know you have to eat more and better than normal in order to

Your Prepregnancy To-Do List

Before you conceive, there are a lot of things you can do to get yourself ready for a healthy pregnancy.

Common Causes of Male Infertility

Many people have found difficulty in achieving pregnancy. Typically, the first reaction is to think that something is wrong with the female, but all too often there is a problem with the male. Most couples ...

How To Improve The Chances Of IVF Success - 3 Foods For Fertility

Many people as me how to improve the chances of IVF success and whilst there are a number of steps you can take which will hopefully contribute to your pregnancy, having a child is just not as easy as many people think. However, one very simple measure you can take is to improve your diet and there

Long-Term Use of Ambien

Ambien is a prescription sleep aid used to treat those people suffering from insomnia, which is generally characterized by either a difficulty getting to sleep or a trouble staying asleep. As with any prescription medication for sleep, Ambien should only be used for limited amounts of time, generall

Help Birth Mother Coping in unplanned pregnancy

Adoption service is one of the most categorise service provided by adoption agencies worldwide which includes feeling and emotions of too may parents who are looking out for the child. Appointing the

How to Prepare Your Toddler for a New Baby

Your firstborn has been the center of your attention for many months. Now that a new member of the family is about to arrive in your home, your toddler will need to share you with the new baby. He or she probably has a lot of questions as to why you're bringing another baby in the house. You ne

Bleeding in Pregnancy: What and Why!

Bleeding in pregnancy is a very scary symptom and most women will run to the doctor at the slightest trace of blood during pregnancy. However not all bleeding is dangerous and a knowledge of the types and causes of bleeding in pregnancy will save the woman a lot of pain and unnecessary emergency vis

Caesareans Birth

Caesarean section is a term I detest. It is dehumanising and clinical. Am I a citrus fruit to be divided into sections? Is my baby a tumour that should be sectioned from my body? I have had three caesarean births. It is still a birth, my baby's birth, and it deserves to be treated as such.

Is it Wise to Undergo Weight Loss Before Pregnancy?

Weight loss before pregnancy can be wasted because surely, your body will alter as it follows a natural course during pregnancy. Find out if there are merits to undergoing weight loss if you planning to get pregnant any time soon.

16 Week 3D Ultrasound

With the second trimester in full swing, you're welcoming week 16. How are you feeling? Can you feel baby yet? Is your belly showing?

Common Male Forms of Birth Control

Woman have many forms of birth control that will help them to wait to have children - but what do men have? One of the only types of birth control for men is the condom and a vasectomy.