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Skin Conditions & Dermatology : Health & Medical

Skin Care - 5 Tips to Improve the Skin As a Lady

As a lady, you surely deserve to look good, to enhance the way you are perceived and also to feel good about yourself. Looking good is not a thing of chance, asides natural beauty, some extra things can be done to take care of your skin. Use a Body Moisturizer- Irrespective of the product you use, a

Foods For Eczema - Could the Foods You Eat Be Causing Your Eczema?

All it takes is a little bit of education to learn what are the various foods for eczema control. If you have been suffering with a bout of eczema for any length of time, like I have, then you can take heart in the fact that this skin disease can be completely and permanently cured by adopting a few

5 Steps to Flawless Skin and Hair

The market is flooded with chemical-based skin and hair care products for you to experiment. However, is the cost incurred worth it? You should know that the most effective skin and hair care is offered ...

Best Organic Skin Care Products Are 100% Safe

Best organic skin care goods contain no chemicals or clinically formed nutrients. These items are made from medicinal plants and bushes. The items contain seed oils, leaves residue and fruit extracts. Best organic skin care ...

These Stretch Mark Relief Tips Can Stop the Stretching

Stretch marks can develop on several parts of the body. These areas include the torso areas, on the limbs, buttocks, and even on the upper arms. Pregnant women can also develop stretch marks on their

Do Men Ever Get Cellulite?

Generally it is women who suffer from cellulite and when you take a look at the celebrity magazines they show a famous female celebrity with dimple looking skin on their thighs. But what about men? Are they immune from cellulite?

Using Dead Sea Cosmetics

Many people suffer from diabetes, acne, psoriasis, dry skin, stresses etc. The dead sea brings unique minerals which may help against those problems. The article gives those reasons why using Dead Sea Cosmetics.

Mole and Wart Removal the Easy and Natural Way

If you think that mole and wart removal is possible only by conventional methods used by doctors then you are in for some surprise. There are several natural techniques that can help you to get rid of moles on your skin without any scarring or damage to the skin. And the same is possible with warts


What is Facial slimming? Facial slimming or jaw-line reduction with Botulinum therapy is a very common procedure in Asia and is becoming increasingly common within Australia. Botulinum therapy is used to slim down the jawline ...

Video: Dry Skin From a Lack of Vitamins & Minerals

Video Transcript I'm Jacqueline Bhagavan, licensed esthetician, and skin care expert. I'm at Encore Medspa in Walnut Creek, California. Our topic for today is dry skin from a lack of vitamins and minerals. They say what you eat is just as important as what you put on. My mother always...

Alcohol Free Psoriasis Free

If you would like your psoriasis condition to be treated, the first step you should take is to quit drinking. Alcohol plays a serious role in dehydrating skin, thus triggering psoriasis. Alcohol abuse can lead to deficiency of natural vitamins A and E that are essential for good skin health. The dep

Top Natural Skin Care Tips

There is old saying that "your face is a reflection of your Health". Your skin is a perfect indication of your Preeminent Internal Health. Basic prettiness begins with the healthy glow, which reflects internally within you and the skin frequently mirrors the health of the whole body.

Ya-Hoo! - Researchers Have Found The Perfect Skin Lightener

Looking for a perfect skin lightener? German researchers have found an ingredient that lightens age spots and other blemishes. It evens out the complexion and can even lighten a person's complexion safely and gradually over time. It works by inhibiting melanin production and it's all natur

Do You Know How to Make Your Face Skin Healthy

As much as I hate to say it, you are not going to find the answer to how to make your face skin healthy in the bulk of the anti aging cosmetic formulas on the market. The cosmetic companies leave a lot to be desired when it comes to what they will include in their products.