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stomach,intestine & Digestive disease : Health & Medical
Clinical Management of Lynch Syndrome: Revised Guidelines
This article provides updated clinical guidelines for the management of lynch syndrome.
Colonoscopy in a CRC Screening Program With FOBT
What types of policies should be put in place to ensure quality of colonoscopy in organized colorectal cancer screening programs?
Fast Free Ways to Get Rid of Acid Reflux
There are plenty of fast and free ways to get rid of acid reflux and the pain that goes along with this condition. Becoming reflux-free will require some lifestyle changes, but they are healthy changes that are worth pursuing and will help improve your overall health.
Acid Reflux Diet Menu - Day 20
Daily menu featuring heartburn-friendly foods and recipes. These are ideal for those individuals on an acid reflux diet. Suggests for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks are given. Each dinner menu shown here gives an Entree with a link to the recipe for its preparation, along with suggestions for
Celiac Disease: New Guidelines
Dr. David Johnson shares the top 10 take-home messages from the new American College of Gastroenterology guidelines on celiac disease.
Prebiotics, Probiotics, Synbiotics, and the Immune System
What effect do selected probiotics, prebiotics, or their combination exert on the immune system, and how could they be used to help prevent and treat immunological disorders?
Alternative Treatments For Acidity
Acidity can cause lot of discomfort to you and if it becomes a routine, then it can be very embarrassing at times. You should always try to use natural and alternative treatments for acidity to prevent the side effects caused by taking repetitive allopathic medicines.
Hemochromatosis: More Common Than You Think?
This iron overload disease is rarely diagnosed, yet is one of the most common genetic diseases in Western populations.
Is Prescription Medication For Acid Reflux The Answer?
For many acid reflux sufferers a visit to the doctors results in a prescription medication for acid reflux to treat the symptoms. However little is usually offered in the way of preventing or treating the underlying cause of why acid reflux developed in the first place.
14-Year-Old With Hepatitis C Viremia and Elevated Liver Enzymes
What is the recommended course of treatment for a 14-year-old patient with hepatitis C viremia and increased aminotransferases?
Salty Diet Makes Ulcer Bug Bite
A high-salt diet isn't just bad for your blood pressure -- it could trigger an ulcer or even increase the risk of gastric cancer, new lab studies suggest.
Dietary Fiber-Microbiota Interactions
What kind of impact could short- and long-term alterations in dietary fiber have on the gut microbiome?
Celiac Disease in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Read the latest research on the prevalence of celiac disease in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients. How common is it, and how is it best diagnosed?
Elemental Diet Induces Histologic Response in Adult EoE
How could certain dietary modifications help patients with eosinophilic esophagitis?
Signs and Symptoms of Right Lower Abdominal Pain
The classic symptoms of abdominal pain are a burning sensation, a dull ache and a sharp or stabbing pain. Abdominal pain can be caused by your gallbladder, appendix, pancreas, intestines or kidneys.
Intragastric Acid Control and Healing Status in Erosive Esophagitis
The authors assessed the relationship between the percentage of time intragastric pH >4.0 and healing of erosive esophagitis.
GI Symptoms in Obese Patients and Bariatric Surgery Outcomes
How prevalent are upper GI symptoms in obese patients and do they generally go away after bariatric surgery? This study investigates.
Role of the Gastroenterologist in Managing Obesity
What are some of the specific issues that gastroenterologists face when treating their patients with obesity?
Tobacco Smoking Cessation and Improved GERD
Could quitting smoking help to curb symptoms in patients with GERD? This new study explores the connection.