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stomach,intestine & Digestive disease : Health & Medical
Treating Heartburn With Surgery
WebMD looks at surgery that can be used to treat heartburn and acid reflux, or GERD.
Psychological Treatments in Functional GI Disorders
How effective are psychological treatments, including cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis, and biofeedback, for patients with functional gastrointestinal diseases?
Risk of HCC in Chronic HCV Patients With New Onset Diabetes
What accounts for the risk of HCC in chronic hepatitis C patients with new onset diabetes?
Safe Treatment of Intestinal Strictures in Crohn's Disease
What is endoscopic balloon dilation, and is it considered to be a safe and effective alternative to surgical resection in Crohn's disease?
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of gallstones/gallbladder problems, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
The Evolution of Endoscopic Ultrasound: Improved Imaging and Accuracy
This new review explores the ways in which endoscopic ultrasound is used to diagnose disease.
Objective Manometric Criteria for the Rumination Syndrome
What is rumination, how does it present in patients, and how is it most effectively diagnosed?
What Parents Need to Know About Acid Reflux Disease in Children
Acid reflux is caused by a lot of factors, but primarily due to the malfunctioning of esophageal sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach. The lower esophageal sphincter is a muscle tissue that opens up when the food is ingested and shuts to control the food contents in the stomach.
Acidity Cure - Effective and Permanent Natural Treatment
Effective and permanent natural treatment of acidity is necessary to protect health. Read this article to know acidity natural cure.
Post-polypectomy Bleeding in Patients on Clopidogrel
Are patients taking clopidogrel undergoing polypectomy at a greater risk for bleeding after the procedure and, if so, how could it be prevented?
Analyzing the Human Microbiome: A 'How To' Guide for Physicians
How will a deeper understanding of the human microbiome help clinicians to better comprehend their patients' gastrointestinal diseases?
Milk Heartburn Remedies
Heartburn, the burning sensation that occurs in the esophagus, is often triggered by stress, certain foods, medications and even exercise. For those who encounter heartburn regularly, this can be a very painful and unfortunate side effect regular occurrence. In addition, the National Heartburn Allia
Medication, Surgery Both Treat Acid Reflux Well
Medication or surgery both appear to control the worst symptoms of acid reflux in many people, a new study shows.
C difficile: Guidelines to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent
Dr. David Johnson highlights the new guidelines on diagnosing, treating, and preventing Clostridium difficile infection, and provides guidance for the clinician toward application to daily practice.
A Natural Cure For Acid Reflux Says It All
There are numerous ways of taking vegetables as a cure for acid reflux. You may decide to take the fresh green leafy ones and include them in your diet.This way, you get to mix and chew them together with the other types of food and in turn, roughage is created. Roughage on the other hand helps the
How to Get Rid of a Stomach Virus With Self-Treatment
Gastroenteritis, also known as a stomach virus, can leave you feeling fatigued and nauseated. Common symptoms of gastroenteritis include abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and sometimes fever. The stomach virus is contagious; the virus can live on the body and on objects the sufferer touches. Sym
What Are the Best Ways to Get an Acid Reflux Natural Cure?
You may find various different modes of acid reflux natural cure, which could be purchased easily from the market. However; these varieties make it difficult to get the real treatment modality for your requirements. There are several dissimilar measures that are required to be considered before purc
The Prevalence of Esophageal Eosinophilia and EoE
How common is esophageal eosinophilia in the presence of eosinophilic esophagitis? This new study explains.
New Diarrhea Danger for Children
A severe diarrhea-causing germ once thought to only affect the elderly or seriously ill is now affecting a growing number of healthy children
Acid Reflux Treatment Without Drugs
Acid reflux happens when stomach acid and juices from the stomach back up into the esophagus leading from the throat to the stomach. There are several home treatments that may help control the symptoms.