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Hearing : Health & Medical
Solving Problems With The Microphone on Your Hearing Aid
Have you ever experienced the loud screeching sound that your hearing aid makes because of some of the amplified microphones in them? Your first response may be to take a step back.
Best Treatment For Ringing in the Ears
There is generally no scientific consensus on what is the best treatment for ringing in the ears. This is mainly because the condition, medically known as "tinnitus", has multiple causes and varying degrees of severity. Recent studies have linked stress, long-term exposure to loud noise, a
Tinnitus - Effective Treatments Are All Around If You Know Where To Look
Are their effective treatments for tinnitus? This can sound hard to believe when your doctor tells you that it is "incurable" and no way to reverse it and all he or she tells you to do is to try sleeping with the television on or some other similar "masking" strategy. So what can
What to Consider When Comparing Hearing Aid Styles
Hearing aids come in several styles. The style of a hearing aid is basically what it looks like. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? How does an audiologist determine which style is right for a patient? This article explains (in easy to understand terminology) eight different styles o
Hearing Aid Problems
It is estimated that 10 percent of the population suffers some sort of hearing impairment and needs hearing devices. Hearing aids have become smaller, less noticeable and overall better at helping a person hear. However, some problems can arise and many are easily remedied.
A Tinnitus Home Treatment Might Be The Remedy You Have Been Browsing For?
Tinnitus pertains to an ailment in which a noise is found to elevate inside ears irrespective of no external industrial noise are usually around. Tinnitus has not been considered a disease, however just form of an indicator of a various main affliction. It's very useful way to find out with the
A Review on Tinnitus Miracle
Many people suffer from a hearing condition that is attributed to the constant ringing around the ears and razor-sharp headaches. Usually, with these symptoms available, 1 suffers from Tinnitus which is an ear disorder distinguished through incessant ear calling. In some cases, people afflicted with
Five Natural Ways to Combat Tinnitus
In this article we explore five natural ways of combating the effects of tinnitus using simple lifestyle changes.If you follow this advice, you should not only notice a reduction of the symptoms of tinnitus, but will also feel much fitter and healthier.
What Are the Causes of Earwax?
Earwax is a sticky substance that people usually don't notice unless it has built up and is interfering with their hearing. Earwax, though, is not just a nuisance. It's a useful substance that the body makes to protect the ears. Most of the time, old earwax falls out and new earwax is made to replac
Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Ear Infections and Aches
The ear is a very sensitive organ; it is the house of one of the most important senses of the human body the auditory sense.
Hearing Aid Identification in Children
There are several stages of rehabilitation that can benefit children in addition to the use of an in ear or in canal hearing aid device. The first is to identify the specific loss issue. The second stage is to implement a management routine and assistance tool for the specific patient.
Is There Anything New About End Your Tinnitus?
Most of Chris Scott's content within End Your Tinnitus comports well with the content that you will find in other reputable holistic treatment guide books. However, he targets the three main conditions that engender tinnitus in such a way that might uniquely benefit many persons who have tinnit
What Hearing Aid Owners Should Know
Your audiologist has doubtlessly hammered home the message that wearing a hearing aid takes some getting used to, but it's a point that deserves to be made more than once. Once your ears adjust to the difference, however, the device can make a big difference in your ability to cope with your im
Eastern Remedy for Ringing in the Ear
Ringing in the ears, or tinnitus, can stem from many different causes. In eastern, or Chinese medicine, the treatment can vary, but defining the root cause is key. However, certain tinnitus causes have no other explanations. Luckily, for those individuals, eastern medicine still offers alternative r
Cures for Ringing in Ears
Ringing in the ears can be persistent or chronic. The medical term for this ringing, which occurs without external stimuli, is called tinnitus. Tinnitus can be cured or managed by a number of different techniques, including techniques designed to replace the sound with another, or alternative therap
Harmful Effects of Loud Noises: What You Can Do to Prevent Them
Loud noises are known to cause feelings of irritability and fatigue. Noises can limit the person's ability to pay attention when performing various tasks. This is a vital concern in the workplace when other worker's safety is on the line.
Getting the Right Tinnitus Help
Until today, tinnitus is still regarded as a "subjective" condition. Experts are not exactly sure whether their patients are really hearing ringing sounds. A large number of tinnitus patients experience a few seconds of ear ringing throughout the day. There are also some who are troubled w
Effective Tinnitus Care
"Ringing ears;" that is the common name for the tinnitus illness. All over the world, there are already millions of people nowadays who are suffering from such illness.
The Symptoms of Tinnitus
Ringing in the ear is one of the primary symptoms of tinnitus. Tinnitus being a condition which commonly affects about a fifth of the population aged 55 or over.