The Month of Cancer, 2013

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Horoscopes : Society & Culture & Entertainment

The Month of Gemini, 2012

SPRING SAYS SO LONG! As with all Mutable Communicator Signs, we begin to conclude another season with The Twins. Gemini unites the last moments of Spring- stimulating the collective to be adaptable, inquisitive, and most importantly: aware. Guided by The Messenger planet Mercury, those influenced by

Free Birth Chart Information

In your birth chart the astrology signs are formatted to look the way they did when you were born. In a chart you will find the Planets, the Sun, the Moon and so on noted with their placements labeled.

Brad Pitt's Numerology; will his new Family bog him Down?

Brad Pitt at age 42, is at the top of his profession.With the success of 'Oceans Eleven','Troy', and 'Mr & Mrs Smith', he is one of Hollywood's favorite sons.He has also become an item with the equally popular Angelina Jolie.The question is, will the demands of his

New Pope Elected During Mercury Retrograde

The new Pope, Francis has just been elected during Mercury retrograde in Pisces. What's interesting about this? He came close to becoming pope last time, reportedly gaining the second-highest vote total in several rounds of voting, so it's quite fitting that during the retrograde he was fi

The Next President Will Be? Uranian Astrology's View of Who Will Win!

On Tuesday November 6, 2012, the American people will go to the polls to elect the next President of the Unites States of America. Between now and then many astrologers will explore the horoscopes of the candidates for president and vice president to see who will be wielding the power of the oval of

Taurus - Your Personal Horoscope For March 2010

We live in a high pressure world and we're constantly having to deal with other people's expectations. At work we're supposed to go the extra mile, in our social life we're supposed to be in a hundred different places at once.

Signs That a Gemini Man Likes You - Secret Gemini Signs of Attraction

The signs that are Gemini man likes you tend to involve his creative and artistic side, the Gemini male also prides himself on his intelligence and is a passionate communicator. He feels most comfortable when talking about the deeper things in life rather than making small talk. He enjoys it when yo

Relationships - An Astrological Look at Possibilities

When a client comes in for an astrology reading for what is current in their lives, one or more of three primary categories motivate them: health, money/career, and relationships. Oh there are lots more reasons for a reading, but those are the three biggies and accounted for probably 95% of the thou

Aquarius Characteristics

Aquarius is the eleventh astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation Aquarius.Aquarius, as its name suggests is universally associated with water.Aquarius is sometimes represented as a man pouring water from a jar.

Aries May 2011 Monthly Horoscope

That ever present ego of yours remains powerful this month. Even though you managed to hide your pride from others last month, they'll start noticing you feel exceptionally good about yourself and expect others to do the same. You simply let it slip out in your speech after mid-month; you may n

Using Zodiac Signs To Enhance Your Life

For a long time, astrologers have been using zodiac signs to outline the phases of life people go through. For this reason a lot of people are undoubtedly aware of what the different signs mean. While this is the case, there are those who don't understand the impact they can create in an indivi

Feng Shui A Superstition?

Feng Shui definitely exists. But it is not as what you seen on TV and movies, possessing great powers to twist ones fate, to gaining power and becoming rich over night.

Year of the Dragon

The 23rd of January 2012 begins the Chinese New Year. This year it's the Year of the Dragon, with all its panache and drama. Last year, February 3rd 2011 to January 22nd 2012, was the Year of the Hare. Hare years are reputed to be peaceful, with the focus on diplomacy, cooperation and culture.

February 2010 Horoscope

Aries (March 21 to April 20) Grab every opportunity to help others - whether they thank you or not. What's important is the difference you have made by extending a hand. Spreading blessings will lead you to happy unions and prosperous circumstances.

Psychology of Stars - Egocentrism

Horoscopes are everywhere. They are in newspapers, magazines, on websites, etc. Numerous people read them, eager to find out what the day may hold in store. There's a psychological tie that I believe draws the human race towards the occult: our own desire to learn about ourselves.