Undergo Implantable Contact Lens Rather Than LASIK

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Eye Health & Optical & Vision : Health & Medical

Different Sunglasses For Different Faces

Sunglasses are a must buy accessory this summer if you want to look stylish and beat the heat at the same time. Sunglasses cover the most vulnerable areas of your face, your eyes and the area round it, that are most affected by exposure to the sun.

Eales Disease

Important It is possible that the main title of the report Eales Disease is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report. ...

Novel Drug Delivery Systems for Glaucoma

The traditional way to treat glaucoma is with eyedrops. This study tells us about some new, novel drug delivery methods and ways to treat the disease.

Eye Anatomy

Learn about the parts of the eye and how each one aids in the function of vision.

Tips For Buying Aviator Sunglasses For Men - the Buzzing Trend in the Market

Thanks to the celebrities, the popularity of Aviator Sunglasses is booming like never before. How often have you seen your favorite celebrity making a public appearance wearing in a stylish and trendy pair of Aviator Sunglasses? The answer is "a lot often". So, are you planning to go shopp

What you should know about Diabetic Retinopathy

It's estimated that 40 to 45 percent of Americans diagnosed with diabetes have some stage of Diabetic Retinopathy. Diabetic Retinopathy is caused by damage to the retina. It is the leading cause of bl

All You Need to Know About Puffy Eyes

If redness and itching are also experienced along with your puffy eyes, an allergy may be the likely cause. Factors that can possibly contribute to this include linen fabric, feather pillows, face-creams, food, dust or pollen...

Glaucoma Runs in the Family

If you have a sister or brother with glaucoma, your risk of developing the eye impairment may be four times the expected population risk, according to a new study.

Recovering from Laser Eye Surgery

Even if laser eye surgery is an outpatient procedure, you have to protect and pamper your treated eyes for few weeks or months. This is to ensure that you will recover faster and possible side effects

What Is Involved in an Eye Exam?

If you've never had an eye examination, you may be a little nervous about visiting the eye doctor. But the procedure is simple and painless and you won't be scared if you know what to expect.

Looking After Your Reading Glasses

Many of us need glasses just for reading and that means that many of us own a pair of reading glasses. Quite often you think you know someone really well only to find them pull out a pair of glasses and put them on - perhaps after years of seemingly not needing them.

How to choose contacts

Nowadays, wearing of contact lenses has become more a fashion statement than an everyday need among those with eye problems. With the power of technology, you can easily wear them anytime you want as

The Lasik Procedure

LASIK has become the procedure of choice for most patients because they recover quickly and have fewer side effects and complications than with other methods of vision correction. In fact, most LASIK patients notice a significant improvement in their vision soon after surgery. LASIK removes tissue w

5 Tips To Improve Your Vision Without Using Glasses

My vision is precious to me, so much so that i don't want to wait for it to fail me again before i do something about it. Check out my top 5 tips for improving your vision naturally without the need for glasses or contacts or surgery.

Take Care Of Your Eyes Using Eyeglasses

Usually people use eyeglasses for vision care and for fashion. But one very important use of eyeglasses is the safety of eyes. In this article you will know how eyeglasses keep our eyes safe and when we need to wear eyeglasses

6 Quick Guidelines in Selecting Suitable Color Contct Lenses for First Timers

Color Contact lenses are very fantastic in boosting your looks and visual aspect in all functions. However choosing the proper set of two color contact lenses most likely is not as simple as it sound. Some people, primarily starter will have problem in deciding on the best pair for themselves. We ha

What Is an Eye Floater?

Eye floaters are infinitesimal strands of fiber, condensation or cells that exist in the vitreous (the jelly-like substance) of the eye. People see these tiny strands as floating dark spots whenever the strands cast a shadow onto the retina. The shadows seem to float because as the eye moves from s

Find Out More About Your Hospital And Surgeon Before Having Eye Surgery

Your eyes are too important to leave in the hands of just anyone. Knowing the reputation of the hospital where a procedure will take place is the only way to ensure peace of mind, while the reputation of the surgeon is no less significant.This article looks at why it is important to find out about t