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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal

Dog Training Top Tips - Keys to Success

Begin training where there are few distractions and progress to teaching in all different circumstances. Use better rewards when an exercise is more difficult for him.

Dog Grooming Classes - Finding the Right Fit For You

It may be hard to believe but the demand for dog grooming classes continues to thrive during good and bad economic times. You might be tempted to think that interest and demand for dog grooming services would decrease when the economy goes south. But the reality is that dogs are often seen as member

Meet The Akita Inu - Dog Of The Nobility

The origin of the Akita breed is Japan, where it was considered the national dog. The Akita was owned only by aristocracy and nobility. The Akita is part of the Spitz-type breeds and is they are the largest of the segment. Because of this, they were used as Imperial guards and hunters. Today, the br

Chico the Chihuahua

Happy Holidays from the Dogs! Check out some photos of dogs in their holiday best. These dogs are ready for the holidays.

Why Does My Dog Develop a Seasonal Allergy to Her Year-Round Cedar Bedding?

Dogs can suffer from two types of allergies: contact allergies and inhaled allergies. Seasonal allergies are those that come when pollen counts are high and disappear when pollen counts are low. When dogs are exposed to the source of allergy during peak seasons it can create symptoms that may not be

Latest News on the Dog Food Recall

If you own a pet, more than likely you remember the dog food recall that first occurred last March. The food that was recalled was more than just a slight problem, but it was potentially deadly food, which definitely put fear in the hearts of pet owners all across the Nation. There were more than 16

Avoid These Dog Training Disasters

There's an old saying among dog trainers that goes: "The only thing two dog trainers can agree on is what the third one is doing wrong." Dog trainers have strong opinions on what is the best way to train. This is a huge disservice to dog owners because they are often caught in the mid

Where to Go For a Natural Remedy For Urinary Tract Infection in Dogs

Could one really use a natural remedy for urinary tract infection in dogs? The answer is; yes, definitely, and especially if the infection is chronic or chronically recurring, as one will then have to support the organs and the immune system to optimize their functions. Pets usually respond very wel

Clorox Toxicity in a Dog

Some dogs are so inquisitive and clever that they get themselves into trouble. They topple over trash cans, sneak snacks from kitchen cabinets and chew up important pieces of mail. Such behavior is not only frustrating for you, but also hazardous to your dog's health. Pets are highly susceptible to

What Can Dogs Do With Their Paws?

According to the American Kennel Club, there are over 160 different breeds of dogs, each with unique characteristics. Strong-willed or subdued, all dogs share one common trait -- the furry padded paw at the end of each leg.

Is Your Dog Too Bored to Behave?

Many dog owners are today looking for answers to cure their pet's behaviour. The problem unfortunately can often lie with the dogs lack of motivation in life and boredom in the home.

The English Springer Spaniel - The Hunter and Attached to You

A spaniel that has been well-trained and bred has a keen "wet" or "dry" nose and has the ability to pick up a scent in any kind of weather. The English Springer Spaniel is a breed of gun dog that has traditionally been used for both flushing and retrieving most type of air fowl,

So Many Pet Owners Use An Old School Approach to Train Their Pet

Reinforcement strengthens behavior by either a consequence (negative) or a reward (positive). Now a day's researchers have found positive reinforcement is the most powerful when it comes to behavior modification. So why do so many pet owners still use the old school approach of negative reinfor

How Can a Dog Find Its Way Home?

The canine's well-developed sense of direction is part of its evolutionary heritage. It springs from dogs' sensitive hearing and sense of smell, as well as ability to observe and make mental maps of surroundings. However, there is still no scientific explanation as to why some dogs can apparently tr

Mastiff - Facts You Must Know Before Adopting Mastiff

The large Mastiff breed has a symmetrical well-proportioned frame. Amongst the heaviest breeds known, they can weigh up to 200 pounds. The fully-grown Mastiff weighs an average between 175-190 pounds. Females of this breed may grow up to 27.5 inches tall, and males 30 inches.

How to Care for Dog Therapy Pools

Dog therapy pools require special care and maintenance. Good water quality and chemistry is important for your canine, you and the facility. Learn what you need to know in caring for these special swimming pools.

Safest Chew Toys for Puppies

Some toys can be dangerous for puppies to chew.Black puppies image by diter from Fotolia.comPuppies love to chew. It's a natural impulse for many dogs and it's equally natural for their owners to want to give them special toys to chew on so that they don't destroy furniture, dog houses or...

How to Stop Bleeding on a Dog's Back Paw

A dog's paw can bleed for several reasons, as this area of the animal's body is subject to extreme wear and tear. Additionally, the pads on the underside of the dog's paw contain several blood vessels, which can cause bleeding when the paw is exposed to burns from heated surfaces and entry of foreig