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Society & Culture Misc : Society & Culture & Entertainment

We're in This Together

Well the mid-term elections are over. We as a country are more polarized than ever. Those of us who want to be balanced are becoming fewer and fewer. It's almost getting to the point of civil war without the shooting. Neighbor against neighbor, friend against former friend, family members fight

Honey Beer and the Holidays With the Maasai in Kenya

One might be surprised to learn the holiday season in Kenya is celebrated with traditions similar to those in Western cultures.Katy Leakey lives and works with the Maasai in Kenya and shares her holid

4 Tips To Handle Your Bad Breakup

If you have ever been dealt a bad breakup, you know the mistakes that can be made when you have more sadness in your life than you know what to do with. If you need some help getting through the rough parts, here are four tips listed to help you out.

Redundancy Advice For Public Sector Employees

This article provides practical advice for people working in the public sector who may have been made redundant already, or think that there's a strong possibility that this will happen.It helps avoid the dark side of redundancy and to find the silver lining in this event, so that it might in t

Id Theft- Privacy Invasion On A Whole New Scale

Major data breaches continue to occur at an alarming rate and identity theft is on the rise across the country, but eleven US states still have no formal data breach disclosure laws on the books. This lack of legislation could be putting residents at a higher risk of falling victim to identity thiev

Green Renewable Energy Basics

The most common green energy sources we hear about today are wind, solar, geothermal, hydro, and to some extent nuclear. All of which have inherent benefits.

Remaking the Republican Image

A group of influential Republicans called the National Council for a New America began a reconstruct-the-party tour at a pizza shop in northern Virginia. The message was, a la Frasier Crane, “I'm list

So Much Negativity

After carefully analyzing news and the way some reporters portray the story, I began to see how they can manipulate a situation to make the storyline worth reporting, more interesting. When you hear of someone's disappearance or death, the expressions and voice tone of the person doing the news

Save Money By Switching Texas Commercial Electricity Providers

One of the biggest benefits consumers get from the deregulated Texas electricity industry aside from their power to choose electric providers is that they can enjoy cheap electricity and competitive commercial electricity rates.

Is Obama's Leadership Closer To That of a Socialist Type Government?

Not long ago a gentleman told me that what I happen to see as socialist style leadership from the Obama Administration, many in the rest of the world view as somewhat right-of-center on the political spectrum, perhaps maybe even moderate at best. Let's talk.

How To Win Her Heart With Flowers

You still can't go far wrong with flowers as a gift for almost any occasion. For those to whom the world of flowers remains a mystery this brief guide should enlighten you.

Geriatric Economics - Why Valuing Our Seniors Enhances Social Welfare

For the past 12 months, the Obama administration has grappled with healthcare reform, a thorny issue that became the poster child of infecund partisan musings in Washington. At the moment, officials are slighting an important area that is indissolubly tied to the ongoing debate: the nation's ov