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The 2009 Outbreak of A-H1N1 Swine Flu Need Not Be Catastrophic

Although there can be no guarantee that the 2009 A/H1N1 Swine Flu outbreak will not become a pandemic, the consequences can be mitigated.Massive loss of life consistent with past pandemics and significant economic upheaval, need not occur.

The Need For Card Data Encryption

Credit cards are an excellent way to pay for items that you do not have the available cash to purchase. Debit cards are an excellent way to pay for items that you have the funds to purchase without having to carry cash in your pockets. The problem with both of these methods of paying for merchandise

It Can Be A Good Thing To Have More Than One Option

Options can be a good thing when you don't really know what it is that you want.If you are unsure of exactly what kind of woman you would like to be in a relationship with,then it can be a good idea to pursue more than one woman so that you do have some options.Read this article and you will se

Federal Trade Commission Fails to Go After Business Social Blogging Networks

Why is it that the FTC - Federal Trade Commission claims to be protecting the consumer and then fails to look into the hype by online business blogging networks? It seems rather obvious that we have 100s of thousands of Internet Scams going on, all promising to make you rich with some online busines

Is It Possible To Date Again Even With Herpes?

Living with herpes does not mean that you can never date again. There are many herpes dating sites that specifically cater for herpes singles. Herpes dating services can make dating again just that much less nerve wracking.

Laundering Medical Scrubs

Laundering medical scrubs at home has been a controversy for about as long as there has been a recognizable connection between environment and infectious diseases or illnesses. At one time, all institutes or facilities regulated the ability to launder these garments at home. Usually, accepted practi

A Simple Key To Canine Friendly Holidays

(1888PressRelease) Does your puppy or dog add to holiday cheer or create holiday trouble? Problem behaviors can be easily solved according to Paul Owens, professional dog trainer and a best-selling author who is well known for his positive reward-based methods.

Why is the Weather Man Always Wrong?

Well weathermen are dealing with so many variables that they cannot adequately predict the weather using their archaic tools. But dont let that get you down, some weathermen average 80%, they are only wrong when you are really counting on them. Soon weather prediction will be possible and it will be

How Do You Decide on a Flagpole Size?

Flagpoles and flags a highly popular accessory for a home or office property. They can represent more than just your country or state, and come in many variations and styles, based on the liking of th

The World Rests on Injustce?

Is the foundation of the world standing on inequality? All are equal.. but some are more equal. Is that the case? I think so, especially when judged according to what is happening around us.The veto a

The Right of Way - The Dangers of Yielding to the Left

The America I once knew was always headed in the "right" direction. But now it has taken a hard turn to the left and is spiraling down the wrong path at dangerous and radical speeds. The time is now for the Silent Majority to stand up and speak up or forever lose its voice and sense of dir

The Five Best Stun Guns Under Fifty Dollars

Stun guns are very effective self defense tools. Stun guns need not be expensive as some think. Here are the best stun guns under $50.00 that will keep you safe.

Latest Graffiti Figures

Graffiti incidents are on the increase nationwide despite the penalties that exist for perpetrators, which include both large fines and custodial sentences. Graffiti damage on the London underground has been recently estimated to cost around £2.5million a year.Individual councils are al

Government Bureaucracy at Its Best

I have a friend who is disabled. He has three herniated degenerating discs. Sometimes his legs give out from under him. It is impossible for him to work at even the most menial job. He applied for disability.

Recycle Plastic

The growing number of plastic bottles, papers and plates has given rise to the need to recycle plastic and transform it to more useful items like toys. Plastic goes through a longer sorting process than most of other recyclable materials because it has to be identified by the resin identification co

Some Popular Casual Wear Outfits For Pageants

Pageant dresses are extremely important for contestants. Every mother wants her daughter to be the most beautiful and stylishly attired participant at these pageant competitions. Therefore, the dress

Green Energy and The Way of the Future

You may have heard a lot about green energy the past year or so. Whether you've jumped on the green energy bandwagon or not, it is definitely not a trend. Green energy is the way of the futur

Provident Living - Escape the "Global Warming" Madness

An increasing number of families are realizing they cannot continue to spend more than they earn while expecting to get ahead or, more importantly, enjoy life. Our society has become driven to keep up with the Jones' at any cost, which results in second and third mortgages and crushing credit c