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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment
A Christian New Year's Resolution - Wipe Those Muddy Feet!
For our family's Christmas gathering, there were 9 children, ages 7 and under, running, hiding, playing, climbing stairs and enjoying their new Christmas toys all over our old 1920 home. There were still patches of snow around the house and the driveway was still coated with ice. One of my gran
Channeling Spirit Guides
This is the basic process to open to spirit channeling. A great way to lead up to this process is to begin to write down answers you get. Most individuals do not get immediate vocal contact. They rather receive ideas, feelings, colors and even symbols. Some get words which become automatic writing.
Redeeming Joy - Why Sin Never Satisfies
Sin only satisfies when there's more sin to be had. It's a highly conditional freedom-a trap promising captivity, not salvation.
Enjoying Spiritual Gay Vacations
There seems to be the conception that gay spirituality travel (whatever that means to you) is "work". Nobody wants to work on a vacation. That's why we take a vacation in the first place, to get "away from it all" for awhile, to escape. We seem to frame the concepts of spiri
Best Psychic Reading – Find the Accurate One That Makes You Comfortable
Psychic ability is a form of ancient art and extra sensory insight that is found rarely in people. Although there is lot of skepticism and controversy involved in this form of art, there are millions
Sunyata, Shunyata
According to the Mahayana Buddhist teaching of sunyata -- emptiness or void -- all beings and phenomena are empty of independent, permanent essence.
Are the Sabbath day and the Sunday the same?
Question 356 of the Baltimore Catechism asks, "Are the Sabbath day and the Sunday the same?"
Top 10 Weekly Top 10 Christian Music Hits
Joy Williams has captured the number one slot, moving Chris Tomlin to number two and we debut the latest from Big Daddy Weave featuring BarlowGirl this week.
Temple of the Jedi Order Symbol
Meaning behind the symbol of the Temple of the Jedi Order, one of many online resources for followers of Jedi religion.
Who Said Religion and Politics Don't Mix?
Atlanta, GA - After generating a buzz on the streets and capturing the attention of prison inmates with the novel "SnitchCraft", author Edrea Davis is sure to cause a stir in the 'urban lit' scene ...
Speedy Products In Drink Recipes - The Basics
Top eac¦ glass with whipe-- cream and drizzle additional caramel sauce over the whipped cream. Totally new Filipino dishes are also being developed by each generation. A• with many of thµ hot after dinner coffee ...
God Looked Beyoud My Faults and Saw My Need
When I was out doing all the bad things in the back of my mind I would still pray for my need to get another chance with my daughter. God did it for me.
Praise And Worship Leading Discouragement: 5 Reasons To Keep Going!
Praise and worship leading must be a pleasure, however sometimes it's irritating, agonizing and discouraging.You probably have been praise and worship leading for any size of time, you'll certainly be capable of relate to what I am saying, however we have to recognize that highs and lows a
What Is the Theological Virtue of Faith?
Faith allows us to grasp the truth of divine revelation. Learn more about the theological virtue of faith.
How to Use Core Earth Heat for Steam Electricity
Geothermal energy is the energy produced from heat naturally occurring inside of the Earth. Energy produced from the earth can be used for heat or power; extracting it does not create any pollution, making it an environmentally friendly option. Earth's core temperatures can reach more than 9,000 deg
The Relationship Between Taboos & Jokes
Joke serve primarily to make us laugh, and the joy that comes from a well-told joke constitutes its own reward. Humor can often serve a larger social purpose, however, particularly when it comes to taboos or forbidden subjects. Comedians have used jokes to discuss taboo subjects since the days of co
The Devil Tempts Jesus In The Wilderness
Jesus was tempted of the devil in the wilderness. Jesus fasted forty days and forty nights. You can imagine just how hungry Jesus was after fasting these forty days and forty nights. The tempter, who is the devil, went to Jesus and said if you are the son of God, make these stones become bread. The
God Has Blessed You Outside Of Your Paycheck
Chris: We tithed even though with our finances, one thing I told Sheri, is that we have to tithe, no matter what, even if we don't have the money to do other things.
Activities For Pentecost
Pentecost, also referred to as Whitsunday, is one of the three great "blessed nights" of the Christian calendar, along with Christmas and Easter. Celebrated by Christians on the 50th day after Easter, the Pentecost celebration commemorates the gift of the Holy Spirit. According to the Bible, the Hol