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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment

How to Become a Certified Ordained Minister

A certified ordained minister is a person authorized by a church or religious organization to perform particular functions. The term "minister" is most frequently used in relation to Catholic and other Christian faiths, but has also been adopted by a wide range of nondenominational groups. There are

Most Prominent Torah Portion

"Vayechi" is Hebrew for "and he lived." It is the 12th weekly Torah portion read by Jews on the Sabbath sometime in December or January. This part corresponds to the book of Genesis, 47:28-50:26 in the Christian Bible and deals with the death of Jacob. One of the themes of this p

Compared - Quick Advice In Mobile Games

UFO 2012 mobile games download free has to get 5 stars for the most original plot. They are allowing users to play games, and other services as a mainstay for uploading of photos as well ...

Christian Origins Traced to Babylon

Christianity and Muslim religions have much in common and for good reason. They were both founded by the same religious fathers along the same principles.

A Brief History Of Tantra

A brief overview of the origins of Tantra practices and what they have evolved into in the Western world.

How to Make Voodoo Dolls Work

Few pieces of religious iconography are as badly misunderstood as voodoo dolls. The popular cliche posits them as a form of black magic, allowing you to curse your enemies or stick pins in the doll to cause them pain. Nothing could be further from the truth. Voodoo itself is an animistic religion, n

7 Tips on Avoiding Preventable Burial Expenses

Along with a traditional burial in a cemetery come many carried costs. These costs include not only the purchase of the plot but also fees for digging the grave, filling the grave, cemetery workers' t

What Is Biblical Love?

The Bible tells us that God is love. But what does this mean, and how can we love someone according to a biblical love. According to the world's standards, and even most Christians, to love someone means to do good to them. But is that really what the Bible teaches?

Jesus - Son of God, or Son of Man?

It's interesting to note that Jesus usually referred to himself as the son of man.Demons, however, always referred to him as the son of God.So, which was he?Of course, the obvious answer would seem to be that he was both.But, I believe there is a deeper truth, and a reason Jesus referred to him

Christian Bible Studies - Getting Nearer To The Almighty!

The study of the Bible, in Christianity, is a devotional act to enrich the life of a person both religiously and spiritually.Christian books are effortlessly obtainable to learn in scores of forms; such as, devotional stories and parables that put across religious thoughts.

The Abraham Incentive And Monotheism's Path To Conquest

To grasp the enormity of the world obsession is to recognize three monotheism branches' and their road to conquest. An overt action usually involves one person or one small group of people, but religion conquests involve not single personages but networks or armies. Obviously, we have not impro

What Revival Looks Like (2)

The history is out there. Generation after generation is made aware of the stirrings of God's Spirit in this land or that. God has not forgotten His Church, nor will He be kept out of it...

Christian Meaning of Names

Knowing the Christian meaning of names can help moms and dads decide which particular name to give their new child. Usually, parents choose Christian names that pertain to admirable qualities in a person, such as strength and purity. You don't have to be very strict about creating names; someti

The Secrets to Moving Beyond A Casual Relationship With God

Wouldn't you love to be able to talk with God about anything?Just knowing that you were able to fully and freely express yourself to God is a comforting thought in and of itself.Well, now you can move beyond a casual relationship into a deeper more intimate relationship with God.

Is Hell Eternal?

Is hell eternal? There are two answers to this question. The first answer, in regards to the duration of the hell fire, is yes; it will burn forever, according to several New Testament scriptures.