Choosing the Right Goggles For Your Triathlon Swim

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sports & Match : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Three McLaren Directors Discuss Jenson Button

Three top McLaren Mercedes directors spoke about the arrival of Jenson Button to the team for 2010 and how the team would handle having two British world champions as its drivers.

Big Sur International Marathon - Excellent Organization!

Big Sur International Marathon has to be one of the best "destination marathons" in the world. Read this article for one runner/walker's impressions of the excellent organization that goes into making it so popular among marathoners.

Two Windsurfing Tips for Beginners

Low speed winds can be annoying for a very simple reason: if the wind isn't strong enough, you're stranded on the beach praying to the gods of wind for the wind to pick up. High-speed winds can be annoying as well; perhaps bothersome is a better word. In strong winds, 25 knots and upward,

Food for Hikers: Trail Snacks

No matter why you're hiking, you need high-quality -- and tasty -- food as fuel. Here's a roundup of results from a panel of taste testers (I'll weigh in, too).

2010 Big 12 Burning Questions

For the better part of three years now, we've been told by the national “experts” that the Big 12 is every bit as good, every bit as deep and every bit as talented as the SEC. That may have been the case in 2008. But it wasn't the case in 2009. And it's most definitely not the case in

Free Card Games

Free card games are those card games which can be played on the Internet without having to pay a fee. These are contrasted with pay card games, in which you pay to play but run a chance of winning cash prizes, either large or small, depending on the game and site you choose to access. There are many

Getting Back Into Shape With Taekwondo

The Korean national sport taekwondo is a martial art practice that became very popular in the last decade. In fact, in 2000 it became one of the sporting events in the Olympics. The key-elements that taekwondo focuses on are kicking performance and flexibility.

Racket Sports Equipment

The large variety of sports necessitates a range of sports equipment, which may not necessarily be the same. However, racket sports involve equipment which is similar, with slight variations in size and technique of play.

Sorting Fishing Tackle

Sort and store your fishing tackle to help find what you need when you want it.

Softball Hitting Drills - Hitting the Numbered Ball

Are you tired of the basic softball hitting drills you have been engaging in again and again? Well fret no more as with this new softball hitting drill, you will most certainly gain your interest and energy back to train and become a better softball hitter...