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Stocks-Mutual-Funds : Business & Finance

Is Ego a Dirty Word in Trading?

Is ego a good thing or a bad thing in trading. At its fundamentals ego can more relate to self image which is not necessarily a bad thing. Is it more pride or an underlying need to be right which is the issue.

Guide to Choosing a Biotech ETF

Investors are being provided with vast opportunities for exposure in the exchange traded funds (ETF) industry due to continuous innovations. The exposure being gained by investors in the ETF has been far better than ever due to exchange-traded products. Sectors in both domestic and global economies

About Stock Quotes

Stock quotes, also referred to as ticker tape or stock tickers, are snapshot price points for the dollar amount per share of a company's stock. The term may be applied to both static and real time pricing information.

How Market News Affect In Selecting Stocks

Predictions with accuracy on the winning aspect in investment in the share market cannot be always right. But you can be near to the accuracy level if you take out some time and conduct a ...

Baby Boomers

Baby boomers describes the 76 million people born between 1946 and 1964.

The Average Stock Market Loss

On average, the stock market has gained over 9 percent each year from 1900 through 2010. The real return from a $1,000 investment portfolio that remained fully invested over that period, and that reinvested dividends, would have much greater compounded annual returns -- by the year 2010, the portfol

What Can a Mutual Fund Invest In?

Two significant factors to consider when developing an investment portfolio are diversity and professional management. Most individual investors do not have sufficient financial resources to properly diversify their portfolio, and most do not have the time to devote to personally managing their fund

Share Trading From Home

Share trading from home is now becoming a recent trend which is spreading faster than any other thing. Many people have realized that share trading is the best option after they have estimated the profits that they can ever make with this.

How to Do Stock Market Trades on the Internet

For many investors, trading stocks over the Internet is the way to go. The Internet provides up to the second pricing, and trades placed online incur very low broker commissions. Online stock trading can be used by buy-and-hold investors as well as day traders. The secret to successful Internet stoc

Are Stocks Better Investments Than Bonds?

Stocks offer a better profit potential than bonds but have more downside risk. Historically, stocks as a group have performed better than bonds, although there have been periods when bonds outperformed stocks. Every investor has different investment objectives based on his circumstances, which can b

How to Calculate Series EE Savings Bonds

An EE savings bond is a low-risk savings product backed by the U.S. government. Bonds can be bought online through the U.S. Department of the Treasury or in person at banks or credit unions. Bonds are issued on paper and electronically and can earn interest for up to 30 years, according to the U.S.

Charity Begins At Home - The Funeral Home

When we hear the word "charity" we think of love towards our neighbors, love made visible as in service to others. What does charity really mean to us? Charity, I believe, is the pure joy of giving. It includes more than material things.

The Income Restrictions on EE Savings Bonds Used in Education

The U.S. tax code includes a special exclusion for savings bond interest used to pay for higher education. If the proceeds from redeemed, qualifying series EE savings bonds are used to pay higher education expenses, the interest earned on the bonds will be tax-free. This feature makes EE savings bon

The Role of Stock Exchanges

Those who have no money have the problem of earning money. Those who have money have the problem of earning more profits with their money. To put it in financial terms, they have the problems of investment.

Software Used in the Stock Market

At the heart of the stock market is a fundamental live auction between buyers and sellers. Prior to the evolution of computer technology, these auctions mostly took place live, at an exchange, and proceeded much like any auction. But today, most traders engage in stock market transactions electronic

Understanding How A Hedge Fund Works

When investments are mentioned, it is usually stocks, bonds, the money market and unit trusts that are talked about. The sophisticated investor however has something else in their portfolio and that is a hedge fund. ...

Picking Mutual Funds to Outperform the Market

With over 6,000 mutual funds available, it may be tempting to pick funds from a popular star or index rating system. Savvy investors, however, balance multiple factors in their selection process. Ratings represent only the historical performance of funds and cannot predict the future.Performance con